REXX File – What is .rexx file and how to open it?


REXX File Extension

Rexx Source File – file format by N/A

REXX (REstructured eXtended eXecutor) is a powerful scripting language used for various tasks including data manipulation, text processing, and system automation. REXX files, with the extension .rexx, contain REXX source code and can be interpreted and executed by the REXX interpreter.

REXX File Format

REXX (REstructured eXtended eXecutor) is an interpreted programming language developed by IBM in the 1970s. It is commonly used for automating tasks and writing scripts. REXX files, with the .REXX extension, contain the source code of a REXX program.

The syntax of a REXX file is relatively straightforward. It consists of a series of statements, each occupying a single line. The statements are typically written in a free-form style, with indentation used to improve readability. REXX files can also contain comments, which are preceded by the “/” and “/” symbols.

Opening REXX Files in Text Editors

REXX files are plain text files that can be opened in any text editor, such as Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), or Sublime Text. To open a REXX file in a text editor, simply navigate to the file’s location using the file explorer or Finder, right-click the file, and select “Open with” followed by the chosen text editor. Text editors provide basic editing capabilities, allowing you to view, edit, and save REXX code.

Opening REXX Files in Specialized Editors

For advanced REXX development, dedicated editors with REXX-specific features and syntax highlighting are available. One popular option is RExxBuddy, which offers a user-friendly interface, code completion, error detection, and debugging tools. Another choice is REXX Editor for Windows, which provides similar functionality and supports syntax highlighting for various REXX dialects. These specialized editors enhance the editing experience and productivity for REXX developers.

REXX File Format

REXX files, with the .REXX file extension, are plain text files that contain source code written in REXX, a procedural programming and scripting language. Developed by IBM in the late 1970s, REXX (REstructured eXtended eXecutor) is primarily designed for automating tasks and manipulating text and data within the TSO/E (Time Sharing Option/Extended) mainframe operating system.

REXX source files typically follow a specific syntax and structure. They may include variable declarations, subroutine definitions, control structures, and various built-in functions. REXX programs often handle tasks such as file processing, data manipulation, character string operations, and interaction with the operating system. They are commonly used in batch processing, command automation, and creating interactive applications within mainframe environments.

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