RESX File – What is .resx file and how to open it?


RESX File Extension

.NET Managed Resources File – file format by Microsoft

RESX is a file extension for a .NET Managed Resources File, a binary XML file used to store localized resources, such as strings, images, and sounds, in .NET applications. It provides a way to easily manage and maintain multiple language versions of an application.

Definition of a RESX File

A RESX file (Resource Exchange Format) is a type of XML file used in Microsoft .NET applications for storing localized resources, such as text, images, and other UI elements. It allows developers to create localized versions of their applications without having to manually translate and maintain multiple resource files for each supported language. RESX files enable efficient localization, facilitating the translation and management of resources across different cultures and languages.

Structure and Content

RESX files have a hierarchical structure, consisting of a root element “root” that contains one or more “resheader” elements. Each “resheader” element represents a resource, containing attributes that specify its name, type, and value. The value can be a string, a byte array representing an image or other binary data, or an XML-encoded value. RESX files support the inclusion of comments and metadata, which can be useful for providing additional context or instructions for translators.

Opening RESX Files with Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) commonly used for developing software applications. It provides comprehensive support for opening and editing RESX files. To open a RESX file in Visual Studio:

  1. Launch Visual Studio and create a new project or open an existing one containing a RESX file.
  2. In the Solution Explorer pane, right-click on the RESX file you want to open and select “Open With” > “Text Editor.” This opens the file in Visual Studio’s built-in text editor, which allows you to view and edit the XML content of the file.

Opening RESX Files with other Editors

While Visual Studio is a popular tool for handling RESX files, there are also other editors that can open and manipulate these files. One such editor is Visual Studio Code, a free and open-source text editor developed by Microsoft. To open a RESX file in Visual Studio Code:

  1. Install Visual Studio Code on your computer.
  2. Open Visual Studio Code and either drag and drop the RESX file into the editor window or use the “File” > “Open” menu to select the file.
  3. Visual Studio Code will automatically detect the file type and open it in the built-in XML editor. This allows you to view and edit the XML structure of the RESX file.

RESX File Format: Structure and Content

RESX (Resource Exchange) files are XML-based text files that store localized resources for applications developed using the .NET framework. They provide a central repository for localized strings, images, audio, and other resources, enabling developers to easily translate and deploy applications in multiple languages. RESX files are organized into sections, with each section containing resources for a specific culture or language code. Within each section, resources are identified by a unique key and can include various types, such as strings, byte arrays, or objects.

RESX File Management and Usage

RESX files are typically generated and managed using Visual Studio or other .NET development tools. Developers can add new resources, translate existing ones, or import/export resources from other files. When an application is compiled, the RESX files are compiled into a binary assembly that is used at runtime to load the localized resources dynamically. This allows applications to dynamically switch between languages based on user preferences or system settings, providing a seamless user experience for international users.

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