RDATA File – What is .rdata file and how to open it?


RDATA File Extension

R Workspace File – file format by The R Project for Statistical Computing

RDATA is a file extension for an R Workspace File created by The R Project for Statistical Computing. It stores the workspace of an R session, including objects, functions, and data frames, allowing for easy resumption and sharing of R sessions.

RDATA File Format

An RDATA file is a binary file format used by the R programming language to store R workspace objects. It is designed to save the state of an R session, including variables, objects, and functions, for later retrieval. The RDATA file format is not human-readable and is primarily intended for use within the R environment.

Usage in R Programming

RDATA files are typically created using the save() function in R, which writes the current workspace objects to a file. The load() function can then be used to restore the workspace objects from the RDATA file into an active R session. This allows users to save and reload their work progress, share data with others, and collaborate on projects more efficiently. RDATA files are commonly used for storing data frames, models, analytical results, and other large objects that would be time-consuming or impractical to recreate manually.

Programs that can Open RDATA files

R: R is a programming language and software environment for statistical analysis and graphics. It can open and read RDATA files.

How to Open RDATA files

To open an RDATA file in R, use the following steps:

  1. Open R.
  2. Click on the “File” menu and select “Open”.
  3. Navigate to the location of the RDATA file and select it.
  4. Click on the “Open” button.

The RDATA file will be opened in R. You can then use the commands in the RDATA file to perform statistical analysis and create graphics.


If you are having trouble opening an RDATA file, try the following:

  • Make sure that you are using the correct version of R.
  • Make sure that the RDATA file is not corrupted.
  • Try opening the RDATA file in a different program, such as a text editor.

Structure and Contents of RDATA Files

RDATA files are binary files that store the workspace environment of an R session. They contain a compressed representation of all objects, including data frames, vectors, matrices, functions, and other objects created or manipulated during an R session. The workspace environment comprises the memory allocated for these objects and their associated metadata, such as their names, data types, and dimensions.

When an R session is saved, the workspace environment is serialized into an RDATA file. This process involves converting the objects and their metadata into a binary format that is efficient for storage and retrieval. When the R session is reopened, the RDATA file is loaded back into memory, restoring the workspace environment to its previous state. This allows users to continue working on their projects without having to recreate or reimport the objects they had created or used in the previous session.

Advantages of Using RDATA Files

RDATA files offer several advantages over saving individual R scripts or data files. Firstly, they provide a convenient way to archive the entire workspace environment, including all objects and their interrelationships. This eliminates the need to save and manage multiple files, reducing the risk of losing data or inconsistencies. Secondly, RDATA files are more efficient than saving individual objects as they compress the data and metadata into a single, compact file. This makes them more convenient for sharing and storage, particularly for large datasets or complex workspaces. Thirdly, RDATA files can be loaded back into the R session much faster than reloading individual objects, as they restore the entire workspace environment in one go.

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