QVPP File – What is .qvpp file and how to open it?


QVPP File Extension

QlikView Extension Properties Page File – file format by QlikTech International

QVPP is a file extension developed by QlikTech International for use in QlikView, a business intelligence software. It is an extension properties page file that stores settings for individual extensions within QlikView.

QVPP File Format

A QVPP file is an XML-based file used in QlikView, a business intelligence and data visualization software. It stores properties and settings for custom extensions that enhance the functionality of QlikView. These extensions can provide additional chart types, data sources, or other features not natively available in QlikView.

QVPP files are typically created using the QlikView Extension Builder tool. They specify various properties and parameters for the extension, including its name, description, version, and the functionality it offers. The file also contains the code and logic that defines the behavior of the extension.

When a QVPP file is imported into QlikView, it registers the extension with the software. The extension can then be used in QlikView documents to enhance the analysis and visualization of data. QVPP files are essential for extending the capabilities of QlikView and customizing it to meet specific business requirements.

QlikView Extension Properties Page File (.QVPP)

The QVPP file extension is associated with the QlikView software, a data visualization and business intelligence platform developed by QlikTech International. QVPP files contain extension properties pages, which are used to customize the behavior and appearance of extensions in QlikView. Extensions are plugin modules that extend the functionality of QlikView, allowing users to create and interact with custom visualizations and analytical tools.

Opening QVPP Files

To open QVPP files, you need to have the QlikView desktop application installed. Once QlikView is installed, you can open QVPP files by double-clicking them in Windows Explorer or by using the File > Open menu in QlikView. When you open a QVPP file, QlikView displays the Extension Properties dialog box, which allows you to customize the properties of the extension. You can modify settings such as the extension’s name, description, and icon, as well as configure advanced options related to its behavior and appearance. By customizing these properties, you can tailor the extension to meet your specific needs and preferences.

QlikView Extension Properties Page File (.QVPP)

The .QVPP file extension is associated with QlikView, a data visualization and business intelligence software developed by QlikTech International. A .QVPP file is a QlikView Extension Properties Page File that stores the properties and settings for an extension used within QlikView. Extensions are add-ons that provide additional functionality to the software, such as custom visualizations, data connectors, or scripting capabilities. The .QVPP file contains information that defines the behavior and appearance of the extension.

Technical Details

A .QVPP file is an XML-based file that follows a specific schema defined by QlikView. It typically contains the following elements:

  • General properties: Basic information about the extension, such as its name, description, version, and author.
  • Extension properties: Configuration settings for the extension, which may include parameters, options, and default values.
  • Event handlers: Code that specifies how the extension responds to user interactions or system events.
  • Localization: Strings and translations for the extension’s user interface.

.QVPP files are essential for customizing and extending the functionality of QlikView. By creating and editing .QVPP files, developers can create and share reusable plugins that enhance the software’s capabilities and meet specific business requirements.

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