QS File – What is .qs file and how to open it?


QS File Extension

Qt Install Script – file format by Qt Group

QS is a file extension for Qt Install Script, a scripting language used for creating installers for Qt applications. It is a declarative language that allows developers to define the installation process in a structured and platform-independent way.

Qt Install Script (QS) Files

Qt Install Script (QS) files, denoted by the .qs file extension, are text-based scripts used for creating and managing Qt application installations. Developed by The Qt Company, QS files provide a declarative way to specify installation settings and actions, simplifying the packaging and deployment of Qt applications. QS scripts are typically used in conjunction with the Qt Installer Framework (QIF), a cross-platform software installer framework.

QS files contain a series of commands and directives that define the installation process. These commands and directives allow developers to specify the following:
* The components and files to be installed
* The installation path and options
* The creation of shortcuts and registry entries
* The execution of pre- and post-installation tasks
* The handling of dependencies and conflicts

QS files offer several advantages over traditional scripting languages for installation purposes. They are human-readable, making them easier to understand and modify. They provide a consistent and platform-independent way to define installation settings, which facilitates the creation of installers for multiple platforms. Additionally, QS files leverage the power of declarative programming, allowing developers to express installation logic in a concise and structured manner.

Qt Install Script (QS):

A QS file is a script file written in the Qt Install Script language, used for creating installers for Qt applications. Qt Install Script is a domain-specific language (DSL) specifically designed for defining the installation process of software applications. It provides a structured way to define the components of an installer, their dependencies, and the steps involved in installing or uninstalling the software. QS files are typically used in conjunction with the Qt installer framework to build installers for Qt-based applications.

Opening QS Files:

QS files can be opened using any text editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that supports Qt development. Some popular IDEs that support QS files include Qt Creator and Visual Studio Code with Qt plugins installed. To open a QS file in an IDE, simply drag and drop the file into the IDE window or use the File > Open menu to navigate to the file. Once the file is open, you can view and edit the QS script. It is important to note that QS files should not be modified manually unless you have a thorough understanding of the Qt Install Script language and the installation process. Instead, it is recommended to use the Qt installer framework to create and modify installers based on QS scripts.

File Format

QS (Qt Install Script) files are installer scripts used by the Qt Installer Framework, a cross-platform installer framework used to create custom installers for Qt-based applications. QS files are plain text files that contain a series of commands that define the installation process, including the files to be installed, the directories to create, and the registry entries to modify. QS files are typically used to automate the installation of Qt applications and their dependencies.


QS files are typically created using the Qt Installer Framework, which provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for creating and editing installer scripts. The GUI allows users to specify the files and directories to be installed, as well as the registry entries to modify. QS files can also be created manually using a text editor, although this is not recommended for complex installations. Once a QS file is created, it can be used to install the Qt application and its dependencies on any system that has the Qt Installer Framework installed.

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