PROFM File – What is .profm file and how to open it?


PROFM File Extension

Android App Baseline Profile – file format by Google

PROFM (Android App Baseline Profile) is a file extension developed by Google. It is used for Android App Bundle baseline profiles. These profiles contain metadata and code that can be used to build an Android App Bundle.

PROFM File: An Android Profiling Tool

A PROFM file is a binary data file used by Android’s Performance Profiles (PROFM) tool. PROFM is a system-level profiling tool that captures performance data from Android applications and platforms. It enables developers to analyze application performance and identify performance bottlenecks. PROFM files contain detailed information about the performance of an application, such as CPU usage, memory allocation, frame rate, and I/O operations. These data can be used to optimize application performance, resolve performance issues, and improve user experience.

PROFM File Structure and Usage

PROFM files are typically generated by the profd service running on the Android device. The profd service collects performance data from the application’s processes and writes it to a PROFM file. The PROFM file can then be analyzed using the profd tool. The profd tool provides a command-line interface for analyzing PROFM files and generating reports that visualize the performance data. The reports can help developers identify areas of concern in the application’s performance and optimize it accordingly.

How to Open PROFM File Using Java

To open a PROFM file using Java, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary libraries.

  2. Create a new instance of the Gson class.
    Gson gson = new Gson();

  3. Read the contents of the PROFM file into a string.
    String json = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("path/to/file.profm")));

  4. Deserialize the JSON string into a BaselineProfile object.
    BaselineProfile profile = gson.fromJson(json, BaselineProfile.class);

  5. You can now access the properties of the BaselineProfile object.

Using Other Methods to Open PROFM File

In addition to using Java, you can also open a PROFM file using a number of other methods, including:

  • Google Chrome: You can drag and drop a PROFM file into the Chrome browser to open it.
  • Text editor: You can use a text editor, such as Notepad or TextEdit, to open a PROFM file. However, you will only be able to see the raw JSON data.
  • Online JSON viewer: You can use an online JSON viewer, such as JSONLint, to open a PROFM file. This will allow you to view the JSON data in a more structured format.

Properties and Usage

.PROFM files are generated by the Android Profiler, a tool included in the Android SDK. These files contain baseline profile data for a specific Android application, providing information about its performance characteristics. They are typically created during the development and optimization process to identify areas where the application can be improved. The baseline profile serves as a reference point to compare future performance data, allowing developers to track improvements and ensure that performance regressions are avoided.

Structure and Format

.PROFM files are structured in a hierarchical format, containing data about different aspects of the application’s performance, such as CPU usage, memory consumption, and network activity. The data is organized into sections, and each section contains a collection of metrics. Metrics are specific measurements of performance, such as the number of CPU cycles used or the amount of memory allocated. The format of .PROFM files is not publicly documented, but it is known that they use a binary encoding to store the profile data.

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