POSB File – What is .posb file and how to open it?


POSB File Extension

Poseidon Dive Log – file format by Poseidon

POSB (Poseidon Dive Log) is a file extension developed by Poseidon to store dive log information from Poseidon diving computers. It includes data such as depth, time, tank pressure, and other parameters recorded during a dive.

POSB File Format

A POSB file is a proprietary file format used by Poseidon diving computers to store dive log data. It contains detailed information on each dive, such as depth profile, gas consumption, water temperature, and ascent/descent rate. The file also includes metadata, such as the diver’s name, certification level, and dive location. POSB files can be exported from Poseidon diving computers to a computer or mobile device for analysis and sharing.

Applications of POSB Files

POSB files are primarily used by divers to track their dive history and analyze their performance. They provide a valuable tool for divers to enhance their diving skills and ensure safety. Dive instructors can also use POSB files to monitor student progress and provide feedback on diving technique. Additionally, researchers can use POSB files to study dive patterns and gather data on the underwater environment.

Opening POSB Files

POSB files are proprietary files used by Poseidon dive computers to store dive log data. They can contain information such as dive depth, time, temperature, and gas consumption. To open and view POSB files, you will need to use Poseidon’s proprietary software, Poseidon Dive Manager. This software allows you to download, view, and analyze your dive logs from your Poseidon dive computer.

Compatible Software

In addition to Poseidon Dive Manager, there are a few third-party software programs that can open and view POSB files. These include:

  • Subsurface, a free and open-source dive log management software
  • DiveLog, a commercial dive log software
  • MacDive, a dive log management software for Mac computers

To open a POSB file using one of these software programs, simply import the file into the program. You should then be able to view and analyze your dive data.

Poseidon Dive Log (POSB) File Format

The Poseidon Dive Log (POSB) file format is a proprietary data format created by Poseidon Diving Systems, a manufacturer of diving equipment and software. The POSB format stores detailed dive profile data recorded by Poseidon dive computers. This data includes measurements such as depth, temperature, dive time, ascent rate, and gas consumption. POSB files are commonly used by divers to analyze their dive profiles, track their progress, and share their dive experiences with others.

Features and Uses of POSB Files

POSB files offer several features and benefits for divers. They provide a comprehensive overview of a dive, including key statistics, graphs, and charts. Divers can use POSB files to identify patterns in their diving behavior, improve their buoyancy control, and enhance their overall diving safety. Additionally, POSB files can be imported into Poseidon’s Dive Manager software, which allows divers to further analyze their dive data, create custom reports, and share their dives with the Poseidon online community.

Other Extensions