PI1 File – What is .pi1 file and how to open it?


PI1 File Extension

Degas Low Resolution Image File – file format by Degas

PI1 (Degas Low Resolution Image File) is a raster graphics file format developed by Degas. It is used to store low-resolution images for preview purposes. PI1 files are typically small in size and can be quickly loaded and displayed.

PI1 File Format

A PI1 file is a low-resolution raster image file format used by the now-obsolete Degas drawing and painting software. It was designed to store images with a limited color palette and resolution, intended for quick previewing and manipulating within the Degas application. PI1 files typically contain an 8-bit color palette with 256 colors, and the image resolution is usually around 72 pixels per inch (PPI). This makes PI1 files suitable for low-resolution displays and quick image processing.

PI1 files have a simple structure and are relatively easy to decode. They consist of a header that contains information about the image’s width, height, color palette, and resolution, followed by the actual pixel data. The pixel data is stored in a compressed format, using a simple run-length encoding scheme to reduce file size. This compression method is lossless, meaning that the original image data is not modified or degraded during compression.

What is a PI1 file?

A PI1 file is a low-resolution image file created by Degas, a discontinued graphics software application. It stores a raster image in a proprietary format that uses an indexed color palette. PI1 files are typically small in size, making them ideal for use on early computer systems with limited memory.

How to Open PI1 file?

There are several software programs that can be used to open PI1 files. These include:

  • Degas Elite (Windows, macOS) is the original software used to create and edit PI1 files. It is no longer available for purchase, but older versions can be found online.
  • XnView (Windows, macOS, Linux) is a free and open-source image viewer that can open and display PI1 files.
  • IrfanView (Windows) is another free image viewer that can open PI1 files.

PI1 File Format

PI1 is a proprietary file format developed by Degas for storing low-resolution images. It is primarily used to compress and store images for use in presentations, email attachments, and web pages. PI1 files are typically smaller in size compared to other image formats, making them suitable for quick transfer and display on devices with limited resources.

The PI1 file format utilizes a lossy compression algorithm that optimizes the image data for efficient storage. This compression technique reduces the file size by removing unnecessary details and redundancies within the image. As a result, PI1 files may exhibit some loss of image quality, especially at higher compression ratios. However, the level of compression can be adjusted to balance the trade-off between file size and image quality.

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