PHAR File – What is .phar file and how to open it?


PHAR File Extension

PHP Archive – file format by Greg Beaver

A PHAR (PHP Archive) is a single file that contains a complete PHP application, including its code, resources, and metadata. It allows for easy distribution and deployment of PHP applications as a single file.

Definition and Origins

A PHAR (PHP Archive) file is an archive format that encapsulates a PHP application or library into a single file. Developed by Greg Beaver in 2005, PHAR is designed to simplify the distribution and deployment of PHP code. It allows developers to package their code, including dependencies, resources, and metadata, into a single, portable file.

Benefits and Features

PHAR files offer several advantages over traditional PHP code distribution methods. They enable easy deployment to shared hosting environments, as they do not require any special configuration or file permissions. PHAR files also provide enhanced performance by caching frequently used code and resources, reducing server load and improving page loading times. Additionally, they facilitate code protection by preventing unauthorized access to PHP scripts and sensitive data. PHAR files support various features such as code signing, automatic loading, and the inclusion of metadata, making them a versatile and convenient option for PHP development and deployment.

Extracting Files from a PHAR Archive

A PHAR (PHP Archive) file is a compressed and serialized PHP script that combines multiple PHP files into a single executable archive. To extract the files from a PHAR archive, you can use the following steps on a command prompt or terminal window:

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where the PHAR file is located.
  3. Enter the following command:

    php -d phar.readonly=0 path/to/phar.phar extract path/to/destination

    Replace path/to/phar.phar with the actual path to the PHAR file you want to extract. Replace path/to/destination with the destination directory where you want to extract the files.

Executing a PHAR Archive

To execute a PHAR archive directly, you can use the following command:

php path/to/phar.phar

Replace path/to/phar.phar with the actual path to the PHAR file you want to execute.

Additionally, you can configure the web server to execute PHAR files as CGI scripts. To do this, add the following line to the web server configuration file:

AddHandler cgi-script .phar

After making this change, you will be able to execute PHAR files by accessing them directly in the browser, just like any other PHP script.

Definition and Purpose

A PHAR file (PHP Archive) is a compressed binary archive that includes a PHP script and its associated resources, such as libraries, classes, and images. It was developed by Greg Beaver to simplify the distribution and execution of PHP applications. By bundling all necessary dependencies into a single file, PHARs make it easier to deploy and manage PHP applications, particularly in environments with limited access to the PHP interpreter or file system.

Benefits and Features

PHARs offer several advantages. Their binary format provides faster loading and execution times compared to traditional PHP scripts. They also enhance security by protecting the packaged code from unauthorized modification. Additionally, PHARs simplify version management and dependency resolution, allowing developers to easily update and distribute applications. The PHAR file format supports multiple compression algorithms, such as gzip and zlib, to optimize file size and reduce storage requirements.

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