PDFIG File – What is .pdfig file and how to open it?


PDFIG File Extension

PDF Index Generator Project File – file format by PDF Colony Software

PDFIG is a project file utilized by PDF Colony’s PDF Index Generator software. It stores information about the indexing process, including the input PDF file, the output index file, and the indexing options selected.

PDFIG File Format

A PDFIG file is an XML-based project file used with PDF Index Generator software. PDF Index Generator is a tool for creating indexes for PDF documents. The PDFIG file contains project settings, such as the list of PDF documents to be indexed, the index entries to be generated, and the output format of the index. The PDFIG file is used to define the scope and parameters of the indexing process. It allows users to customize the indexing process and control the output format of the index. Once the PDFIG file is created, it can be used to generate the index automatically.

Usage of PDFIG Files

PDFIG files are typically used by authors, editors, and publishers to create indexes for books, articles, and other written materials. They are particularly useful for large and complex documents where manual indexing would be impractical or time-consuming. The PDFIG file enables users to define the elements to be indexed, such as keywords, phrases, or specific page numbers. It also allows users to specify the format and presentation of the index, including the use of headings, subheadings, and cross-references. PDFIG files streamline the indexing process, ensuring consistency and accuracy while saving time and effort.

Opening PDFIG Files

To open a PDFIG file, you will need the PDF Index Generator software developed by PDF Colony Software. This software is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. Once you have installed the software, you can open a PDFIG file by double-clicking on it or by selecting File > Open from the software’s menu bar.

Using PDF Index Generator

Once you have opened a PDFIG file, you will see a project window that contains a list of the PDF documents that are included in the project. You can add or remove documents from the project by using the Add and Remove buttons on the toolbar. You can also change the order of the documents in the project by dragging and dropping them.

To create an index for the PDF documents in the project, click on the Generate Index button on the toolbar. The software will generate an index file that will be saved in the same folder as the PDFIG file. You can then open the index file in your web browser to view the index.

PDFIG File Format

The PDFIG file extension is associated with PDF Index Generator, a software application developed by PDF Colony Software. PDFIG files are project files that contain instructions and settings for generating indexes for PDF documents. They specify the location of the input PDF document, the index generation parameters, and the output index file format. PDFIG files enable users to customize the index creation process, such as defining the index terms, selecting the sorting order, and specifying the formatting of the index entries.

Usage of PDFIG Files

PDFIG files are particularly useful for creating comprehensive and accurate indexes for large or complex PDF documents. By automating the index generation process, PDFIG saves time and effort compared to manually creating indexes. The generated indexes can significantly enhance the navigability and accessibility of PDF documents, making it easier for users to locate specific information quickly and efficiently. PDFIG files are often used in academic, legal, business, and technical settings where indexed documents are essential for research, referencing, and retrieval.

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