OTLN File – What is .otln file and how to open it?


OTLN File Extension

Opal Outline File – file format by A Sharp

OTLN is an outline developed by A Sharp for the Opal outlining program. It is a text-based format that supports hierarchical structures, formatting, and linking.


An OTLN file is an Opal Outline File created by A Sharp. It contains an outline of a document, including headings, subheadings, and body text. OTLN files are used to organize and structure documents, and can be exported to various formats, such as HTML, PDF, and Word.

The OTLN file format is a text-based format that is easy to read and edit. It is based on the Opal markup language, which is a simple and powerful language for creating outlines and other structured documents. OTLN files can contain a variety of elements, including headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, and images. They can also include links to other files and resources.

OTLN Files and Opal Outline Software

An OTLN file is an outline file created by Opal Outline, a popular outlining software application for Windows. Opal Outline enables users to organize and manage their ideas, notes, and projects in a hierarchical structure, making it a valuable tool for writers, students, and researchers. OTLN files contain the structure, content, and formatting of the outline, including headings, subheadings, notes, and attachments.

Opening OTLN Files

To open an OTLN file, you will need to have Opal Outline installed on your computer. Once installed, you can open OTLN files by double-clicking on them or by selecting “Open” from the Opal Outline menu. The file will open in the Opal Outline application, where you can view, edit, and manage its contents. You can also export OTLN files to other formats, such as OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) or text, for sharing or archiving purposes. If you do not have Opal Outline installed, you can download a free trial version from the A Sharp website. Alternatively, you can use a text editor to view the raw text content of the OTLN file, although this will not provide the same level of functionality as using Opal Outline.

Opal Outline File Format

An Opal Outline File (OTLN) is a specialized file format used by the Opal outlining software, developed by A Sharp. It serves as a container for organizing and storing hierarchical text content, such as outlines, notes, and documents. OTLN files enable users to create a structured representation of their ideas, facilitating efficient organization and navigation.

The OTLN file format utilizes a proprietary binary structure to store outline data. This structure allows Opal to efficiently handle complex outlines with multiple levels of hierarchy, formatting, and metadata. The file format also supports the inclusion of attachments, such as images, audio clips, and web links, which can enhance the richness and depth of the outline content. Additionally, OTLN files can be protected with encryption to safeguard sensitive information.

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