OSDX File – What is .osdx file and how to open it?


OSDX File Extension

Search Connector Description File – file format by Microsoft

OSDX (Search Connector Description File) is a Microsoft-developed file extension that describes the settings and capabilities of a search connector. It helps integrate external data sources with Microsoft Search.

Overview of OSDX Files

An OSDX file is a Search Connector Description File utilized within Microsoft’s SharePoint Search Connector Framework (SCF). It serves as a pivotal component in enabling seamless search experiences across various data sources and repositories. OSDX files define the metadata, schema, and connectivity details required by the Search Connector to effectively index and retrieve data from external systems.

OSDX File Structure and Elements

The structure of an OSDX file adheres to a well-defined XML schema. It typically consists of several key elements, including:

  • Connector ID: Identifies the specific Search Connector that the OSDX file represents.
  • DataSourceConnectionSettings: Defines the connection parameters required to establish a connection with the external data source, such as server name, credentials, and authentication mechanisms.
  • QueryOptions: Specifies the capabilities of the connector, including supported search query types, field mapping, and result sorting options.
  • ExtensionMappings: Defines the mapping between SharePoint Search results and the corresponding fields in the external data source, enabling accurate and relevant search results presentation.

OSDX File Format

An OSDX file (Search Connector Description File) stores metadata about a search connector. Search connectors are software components that connect SharePoint to external data sources, such as databases or web services. The OSDX file contains information about the data source, the fields that are available for searching, and the security settings for the connector.

Opening OSDX Files

OSDX files are typically opened by SharePoint when a search connector is installed or updated. However, you can also open an OSDX file manually using a text editor, such as Notepad. To do this, simply double-click on the OSDX file to open it in Notepad.

The OSDX file will be displayed in XML format. The XML elements in the file describe the various properties of the search connector. For example, the following XML element specifies the name of the data source:

<DataSource Name="MyDataSource" />

You can use the information in the OSDX file to troubleshoot problems with a search connector. For example, if you are unable to connect to a data source, you can check the OSDX file to verify that the connection settings are correct.

OSDX File Format

OSDX (Search Connector Description File) is a file format developed by Microsoft to describe search connectors used with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS). It employs XML to define the metadata, configuration, and behavior of search connectors, enabling organizations to connect to external data sources and make their content searchable within SharePoint. OSDX files utilize a hierarchical structure, allowing for clear organization and maintenance of search connector configurations.

OSDX File Structure

The OSDX file structure consists of several key elements. The <ConnectorDefinition> element serves as the root element, encompassing all other elements within the file. Essential sub-elements include:

  • <Identity>: Stores information about the search connector, such as its unique identifier and display name.
  • <DataProvider>: Specifies the data provider being used, such as SQL Server, SAP, or Lotus Notes.
  • <ConnectionSettings>: Defines the parameters for establishing a connection to the external data source.
  • <Query>: Describes the query structure used to retrieve data from the external data source.
  • <ResultType>: Defines the format and structure of the search results returned by the connector.

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