OSC File – What is .osc file and how to open it?


OSC File Extension

OpenStreetMap Change File – file format by OpenStreetMap

OSC (OpenStreetMap Change File) is a file extension developed by OpenStreetMap to store changesets made to the OpenStreetMap database. It contains XML data that describes the changes made, such as the addition or modification of nodes, ways, and relations. OSC files are used for sharing and distributing changes between different OpenStreetMap editors and servers.

OSM Change File (OSC)

An OSC file, also known as an OpenStreetMap Change File, is a text file that contains a sequence of operations to modify the OpenStreetMap (OSM) database. OSM is a collaborative, open-source geographic database that anyone can contribute to. OSC files allow users to share their edits and updates to the OSM database, ensuring that the data remains up-to-date and accurate.

OSC files follow a specific syntax and structure. They consist of a series of operations, each of which describes a change to the OSM database. These operations can include adding or removing nodes, ways, or relations, as well as modifying their attributes. OSC files are used by OSM editors, such as JOSM and iD, to synchronize local changes with the central OSM database. They are also used for importing and exporting data from OSM into other formats.

Opening OSC Files Using Software

OSC files, also known as OpenStreetMap Change Files, can be opened using software that supports editing OpenStreetMap data. One popular software program for this purpose is JOSM (Java OpenStreetMap Editor). JOSM allows users to view, edit, and upload OSM data, including OSC files. To open an OSC file in JOSM, select “File” > “Open…” and navigate to the desired OSC file.

Online Tools for OSC File Conversion

If you do not have access to software that supports OSM editing, you can use online tools to convert OSC files into other formats. One such tool is the OSC2GPX Converter, which allows users to convert OSC files into the more common GPX format. GPX files can be opened in a wider range of software programs, including GPS devices and mapping applications.

Additional Notes

It’s important to note that OSC files contain changes to OpenStreetMap data, not the complete dataset itself. To obtain the complete dataset, users should download it directly from the OpenStreetMap website. Additionally, OSC files are typically used by contributors to OSM to submit changes to the dataset, rather than by end-users who wish to view or use the data.

File Format and Structure

An OSC file is a text file that contains a collection of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data changes. These changes may include updates to existing features, the addition of new features, or the deletion of existing features. OSC files are used to distribute these changes to other OSM users, so that they can be incorporated into their own local copies of the OSM data.

The OSC file format is a simple text format, which makes it easy to read and write. Each OSC file contains a header, which describes the file format and the version of OSM that it is compatible with. The header is followed by a series of data blocks, which contain the actual changes to the OSM data. Each data block contains a list of changes, which are grouped by type. For example, there may be a data block for changes to nodes, a data block for changes to ways, and a data block for changes to relations.

Usage and Applications

OSC files are used in a variety of ways. They can be used to distribute changes to the OSM data to other users, they can be used to create backups of the OSM data, and they can be used to import data from other sources into OSM. OSC files are also used by the OSM website to display changes to the data, and they are used by a variety of third-party applications to access and process OSM data.

OSC files are an important part of the OpenStreetMap ecosystem. They provide a way to distribute changes to the OSM data, and they allow users to create backups and import data from other sources. OSC files are also used by a variety of third-party applications to access and process OSM data.

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