ORGAN File – What is .organ file and how to open it?


ORGAN File Extension

GrandOrgue Organ Sample Set – file format by Lars Palo, Oleg Samarin and Denis Roussel

ORGAN is a proprietary file format utilized by GrandOrgue, an open-source organ emulator. It is an audio sample format specifically designed for storing organ samples and providing a high level of detail in the reproduction of pipe organ sounds.

ORGAN File Format

ORGAN files are organ sample sets used by GrandOrgue, a free and open-source virtual pipe organ software program. They contain audio samples of organ pipes recorded in high quality, capturing the full range of sounds and articulations found in real pipe organs. ORGAN files are typically large, with file sizes ranging from several hundred megabytes to several gigabytes, depending on the number and size of the samples.

Usage and Compatibility

ORGAN files are essential for creating realistic and immersive organ performances in GrandOrgue. They provide the sound source for the virtual organ’s “stops,” which represent the different ranks and families of pipes found in a physical organ. Each stop corresponds to a specific set of samples within the ORGAN file. To use an ORGAN file, it must be loaded into GrandOrgue, where it can be assigned to the available stops. ORGAN files are typically compatible with all versions of GrandOrgue, although some older versions may not be able to handle the larger file sizes of newer ORGAN files.

ORGAN File Format

The ORGAN file format stores sample sets for the GrandOrgue virtual pipe organ software. It encapsulates a collection of audio samples that represent the individual pipes of an organ, enabling realistic organ sound reproduction. ORGAN files are organized into banks and divisions, with each bank representing a specific organ section (e.g., Great, Swell, etc.) and each division representing a group of pipes within a bank (e.g., Pedal, Manual, etc.).

Opening ORGAN Files

GrandOrgue software is the primary tool for opening and using ORGAN files. The software provides a user-friendly interface for loading, managing, and playing organ sample sets. To open an ORGAN file in GrandOrgue, simply select the “Load” option from the File menu and navigate to the desired file. GrandOrgue will automatically import the sample set into its database, making it available for use in organ emulation. It’s important to note that other third-party software or virtual pipe organ programs may not support the ORGAN file format.

GrandOrgue Organ Sample Set (ORGAN)

The ORGAN file extension is associated with GrandOrgue, a free and open-source virtual pipe organ software for Windows, macOS, and Linux. GrandOrgue utilizes sample sets of real pipe organs to create realistic and immersive organ sounds. These sample sets are typically in the ORGAN format, which contains audio samples of individual organ pipes recorded in high fidelity.

ORGAN files are essential for the operation of GrandOrgue. They provide the raw audio data that is used to create virtual organ stops. Each organ stop corresponds to a specific set of pipes, and different ORGAN files can represent different organs or different tonal characteristics. The GrandOrgue software includes a built-in sample editor that allows users to edit, mix, and create their own ORGAN files. This feature enables organists to customize the sound of their virtual organs and create unique and personalized instruments.

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