OMO File – What is .omo file and how to open it?


OMO File Extension

OMake Object File – file format by OMake

OMO is a file extension for OMake Object Files, used by OMake, a cross-platform build tool. OMO files contain both source code and preprocessed data, allowing for faster compilation times.

Definition and Usage

An OMO file, short for OMake Object File, is a type of file format used in the OMake build system. OMake is a cross-platform, make-like tool that automates the compilation and linking of software projects. OMO files are generated as intermediate objects during the build process and contain precompiled code and dependencies.

Technical Details

OMO files store the following information:

  • Precompiled Code: Compiled source code in a platform-dependent format. This allows for faster build times since the code does not need to be recompiled each time the project is built.
  • Dependencies: A list of other OMO files that the current file depends on. This ensures that the build process orders the compilation and linking tasks correctly.
  • Metadata: Additional information about the file, such as its modification time, dependencies, and other properties.

The OMake build system uses OMO files to efficiently track and manage the dependencies between source code files and to speed up the build process by reusing precompiled code. OMO files are platform-specific, meaning that they are only valid for the operating system and architecture for which they were created.

Using OMake Command-Line Interface

The most straightforward method to open an OMO file is through the OMake command-line interface. OMake is an open-source build tool designed to automate compilation and execution of source code. By invoking the “omake” command with the OMO file as an argument, you can open and process the object file. OMake will interpret the OMO file’s contents and generate the necessary dependencies and build instructions.

To do this, navigate to the directory containing the OMO file in your command-line terminal. Then, type the following command:

omake [options] [OMO file path]

Replace “[options]” with any desired command-line options. For example, “-f” can be used to specify a custom build file.

Third-Party Software

Alternatively, you can use third-party software to open OMO files. One popular option is the Open Source Make (OMake) tool. This tool provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing and executing makefiles, including OMO files.

To use OMake tool, install it on your system and launch the application. Then, open the OMO file by clicking “File” -> “Open” and selecting the file. Once the file is loaded, you can view its contents, create or modify dependencies, and execute build commands through the GUI.

OMake Object File (OMO)

OMake Object File (OMO) is a file format used by OMake, a cross-platform build management tool. OMO files store compiled OMake dependency databases, which contain information about the dependencies between files in a project and the commands used to build those files. Dependency databases are used by OMake to build projects efficiently, by only rebuilding the files that have changed since the last build.

OMO files are binary files, which makes them much faster to load and save than the equivalent XML files. They are also more compact than XML files, which can be useful when working with large projects. OMO files are compatible with all versions of OMake, and they can be used on any platform.

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