OGZ File – What is .ogz file and how to open it?


OGZ File Extension

Cube 2 Map File – file format by Wouter van Oortmerssen

The OGZ file extension is associated with the Cube 2 map file format used in the first-person shooter (FPS) video game Cube 2: Sauerbraten. It stores a 3D environment (map) containing terrain, objects, and other level-related data.

OGZ File Format

An OGZ file is a Cube 2 Map File, a type of game map used in the first-person shooter video game Cube 2: Sauerbraten. OGZ files contain the level design, textures, and other data needed to create the game world. They are typically created using the Sauerbraten editor or other third-party tools. OGZ files are compressed using the OGRE compression algorithm, which reduces their file size without compromising their quality.

Features of OGZ Files

OGZ files support a variety of features that allow for complex and varied level designs. These features include:

  • Multiple layers: OGZ files can contain multiple layers, which can be used to create different areas or levels within a single map.
  • Brushes: OGZ files use brushes to define the geometry of the map. Brushes can be combined to create complex shapes and structures.
  • Textures: OGZ files can use a variety of textures to give the map a unique look and feel. Textures can be applied to brushes or other objects in the map.
  • Entities: OGZ files can contain entities, which are objects that can interact with the player or the environment. Entities can include weapons, enemies, and other interactive objects.

Opening OGZ Files via Game Launcher

OGZ files, associated with Cube 2: Sauerbraten, a multiplayer first-person shooter game, contain map data used for level design. To open an OGZ file, users can launch the game and navigate to the “Game” tab. Within this tab, they can select “Load map” and browse to the desired OGZ file. Alternatively, OGZ files can be opened by directly dragging and dropping them onto the Cube 2: Sauerbraten game executable.

Using Third-Party Utilities

For users seeking more specialized tools, there are third-party utilities available for opening and manipulating OGZ files. One such utility is the Cube 2 Map Editor, which provides a comprehensive set of features for map editing and level design. This editor allows users to view, edit, and save OGZ map files, as well as export them to various image formats. Additionally, the OGRE Framework Asset Explorer is another option for opening OGZ files, enabling users to explore and extract individual objects and resources from the map.

OGZ File Format

OGZ files are Cube 2 Map Files associated with the Cube 2: Sauerbraten engine, a first-person shooter video game. They contain map data used to create 3D environments for the game, including terrain, objects, and lighting. The OGZ format is a compressed version of the Open Game Engine Map format (OGM) and utilizes a binary structure for efficient data storage and retrieval.

Applications of OGZ Files

OGZ files are primarily used by game developers and modders to create and edit maps for Cube 2. They provide a convenient and structured way to define the layout and properties of game environments, enabling designers to create realistic and immersive settings. Additionally, OGZ files can be loaded by the Cube 2 engine during gameplay, allowing players to explore and interact with the maps created by the community.

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