NUMDLB File – What is .numdlb file and how to open it?


NUMDLB File Extension

Namco Universal Model Binary – file format by Bandai Namco

NUMDLB is a file extension for a binary file format used by Namco Universal, a division of Bandai Namco. It contains model data for use in video games and other applications.

NUMDLB File Format

The NUMDLB (Namco Universal Model Binary) file format is a proprietary 3D model file format developed by Bandai Namco, primarily used in their video games. It is a versatile format that can store various data types, including mesh geometry, textures, skeletons, and animations. NUMDLB files are often used to store character models and objects within Bandai Namco’s games.

Features and Advantages

NUMDLB files offer several advantages over other model formats. Their compact size allows for efficient storage and quick loading times. The format supports various mesh types, including triangles, quads, and polygons, providing flexibility in model creation. Additionally, NUMDLB files can hold both vertex and texture data, enabling the storage of complete models within a single file. This facilitates the management and distribution of 3D assets.

Opening NUMDLB Files in General

NUMDLB files, utilized in video games by Bandai Namco, store character models in a proprietary binary format. Opening these files typically requires specialized software or tools. One common option is a model viewer or converter program designed to handle NUMDLB files. These programs allow users to inspect the 3D models within the files and potentially perform conversions to other formats for further processing or use in different contexts.

Specific Tools for Opening NUMDLB Files

One such model viewer program is “numbl,” an open-source tool dedicated to opening and viewing NUMDLB files. It provides basic functionality for exploring the file’s contents, rotating and zooming in and out on the 3D model, and extracting textures and other resources. For more advanced operations, “BNBExtractor,” a separate tool, can be used to extract the individual model components from the NUMDLB file. These components can then be converted to standard 3D file formats like FBX or OBJ, enabling compatibility with a wider range of modeling and animation software.

NUMDLB File Format

NUMDLB (Namco Universal Model Binary) is a proprietary file format developed by Bandai Namco, primarily used in video games to store 3D models. These models are characterized by their high-resolution and detailed representation of characters, objects, and other elements within the game environment. NUMDLB files contain both the geometry and texture data for the models, allowing for realistic and visually appealing in-game graphics. They are commonly encountered in games developed by Bandai Namco, such as the Tekken, Soulcalibur, and Ace Combat series.

Applications and Usage

NUMDLB files serve as a valuable asset in game development, providing a means to create and manipulate 3D models efficiently. The format is optimized for in-game performance, ensuring that models can be rendered smoothly and efficiently without compromising visual quality. Additionally, NUMDLB files can be compressed to reduce file size without significantly affecting the model’s appearance. This feature is particularly useful in games where multiple models need to be loaded simultaneously, such as in open-world environments or complex action sequences. The ability to compress NUMDLB files allows developers to optimize game performance while maintaining visual fidelity.

Other Extensions