NMF File – What is .nmf file and how to open it?


NMF File Extension

ArcGIS Explorer Map File – file format by ESRI

An NMF file is an ArcGIS Explorer map file developed by ESRI. It contains geospatial data, including map layers, symbology, and layout information, allowing users to view, analyze, and share geographic data.

NMF File Format

An NMF file is a compressed map file format used by ArcGIS Explorer, a discontinued Geographic Information System (GIS) software application developed by ESRI. NMF files store geospatial data, such as layers, spatial references, and symbology, in a compressed format, making them smaller in size and faster to load than uncompressed map files. NMF files typically contain information about the map’s layout, including the position and scale of map features, as well as the layers and basemaps used to create the map.

NMF files can be created and edited using ArcGIS Explorer, allowing users to customize and share maps with others. Once created, NMF files can be viewed and interacted with using ArcGIS Explorer on various platforms, such as desktop computers, mobile devices, and the web. The compressed nature of NMF files makes them suitable for sharing and collaboration, as they can be easily transferred and loaded without requiring significant storage space or bandwidth. Additionally, NMF files can be used for offline mapping, enabling users to access maps and geospatial data in areas without internet connectivity.

Opening NMF Files in ArcGIS Explorer

NMF files, known as ArcGIS Explorer Map Files, are geospatial data files primarily used by ArcGIS Explorer, a now-discontinued entry-level GIS (Geographic Information System) application developed by ESRI. To open an NMF file in ArcGIS Explorer:

  1. Launch ArcGIS Explorer on your computer.
  2. In the menu bar, select “File” > “Open.”
  3. Navigate to the location of the NMF file you wish to open.
  4. Select the NMF file and click “Open.”

ArcGIS Explorer will load the NMF file and display the map contained within it. The map will show the geographic data, such as layers, symbology, and annotations, as defined in the NMF file.

Alternatives to ArcGIS Explorer

If you do not have ArcGIS Explorer installed, there are alternative methods to open NMF files:

  • ESRI ArcGIS Pro: This professional desktop GIS software can import NMF files.
  • QGIS: A free and open-source GIS software can import NMF files through the “Add Layer” function.
  • Online NMF Viewers: Several online services, such as MapSurfer and MapIT, allow you to view NMF files in a browser without the need for specific software.

NMF File: ArcGIS Explorer Map File

An NMF file is an ArcGIS Explorer Map File created by ESRI’s ArcGIS Explorer, a free geographic information system (GIS) software application. It is a compressed package that contains a map document (.MXD) and its associated data, such as shapefiles, raster datasets, and other GIS resources. NMF files allow users to share and exchange maps easily, making them useful for collaboration and data distribution.

Key Features of NMF Files

NMF files are designed to be lightweight and portable, making them suitable for sharing over email or other network connections. They offer several advantages over traditional MXD files:

  • Compressed size: NMF files are compressed using a proprietary algorithm, which significantly reduces their file size. This makes them easier to share and transfer, especially over low-bandwidth connections.
  • Self-contained structure: NMF files contain all the necessary data within a single package, eliminating the need to keep track of separate data files. This simplifies map sharing and reduces the risk of data loss or corruption.
  • Compatibility with ArcGIS Explorer: NMF files are designed to be compatible with ArcGIS Explorer, a free and lightweight GIS application. This ensures that users can easily open and view maps created in other GIS software, even if they do not have access to the original MXD file.

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