NGC File – What is .ngc file and how to open it?


NGC File Extension

Xilinx Generated Netlist File – file format by Xilinx

NGC (Xilinx Generated Netlist File) is a file extension developed by Xilinx. It is a netlist file that contains the design of a circuit in a format that can be understood by Xilinx synthesis tools.

Xilinx Generated Netlist File (NGC):

A NGC file is a text-based file format used by Xilinx development tools to describe the netlist of a design. The netlist is a representation of the design’s interconnections, including the logic elements, I/O pins, and other components. NGC files are generated by Xilinx synthesis tools, such as Vivado Design Suite, and serve as an intermediate representation between the design source code and the final bitstream that is programmed onto the Xilinx FPGA.

NGC files contain detailed information about the design’s logic structure, including the type and configuration of logic elements, the interconnections between them, and the I/O assignments. They also include timing constraints and other design-specific parameters. NGC files are used as input to Xilinx place-and-route tools, which optimize the design’s placement and routing on the FPGA and generate the final bitstream.


A netlist file is a text file that contains a list of the components in a circuit and the connections between them. It is used to describe the design of a circuit and can be used to generate a schematic diagram or a printed circuit board (PCB) layout.

NGC (Xilinx Generated Netlist File) is a type of netlist file that is generated by the Xilinx ISE design software. It contains information about the design of a circuit, including the components, the connections, and the timing constraints. The NGC file can be used to generate a schematic diagram, a PCB layout, or a simulation model of the circuit.


NGC files can be opened using the Xilinx ISE design software or a text editor. The Xilinx ISE design software is a proprietary software package that is used to design and simulate circuits. It can be downloaded from the Xilinx website.

If you do not have the Xilinx ISE design software, you can also open NGC files using a text editor. However, this will only allow you to view the contents of the file, not to edit it or generate a schematic diagram or PCB layout.

To open an NGC file using a text editor, simply double-click on the file. The file will be opened in a text editor window. You can then view the contents of the file and make any necessary changes.

Xilinx Generated Netlist File (NGC)

NGC is a text-based file format used in the field of electronic design automation (EDA) for representing the netlist of a digital circuit. It is specifically employed by Xilinx, a leading provider of programmable logic devices (PLDs), as part of their development toolchain. The netlist contained within an NGC file describes the interconnections between the various logic elements in the circuit, including gates, flip-flops, and other components.

The NGC format provides a detailed and unambiguous representation of the circuit’s design, capturing the connectivity, hierarchy, and timing information. It is typically generated by the synthesis and optimization tools in Xilinx’s software suite, which translate the high-level design into a physical implementation compatible with their PLDs. The NGC file serves as a bridge between the design’s logical representation and its physical realization on the target hardware. By providing a comprehensive description of the circuit’s netlist, NGC files facilitate the subsequent stages of the design flow, such as place and route, timing analysis, and device programming.

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