MTHD File – What is .mthd file and how to open it?


MTHD File Extension

MOPEKS Method File – file format by MOPEKS

MTHD (MOPEKS Method File) is a file extension used by MOPEKS, a software for analyzing and visualizing seismic data. It stores methods that define how data should be processed, allowing users to customize their analysis workflow.

What is a MTHD File?

A MTHD file is a MOPEKS Method File used for the MOPEKS program, which is a Windows-based software for assessing the performance of processors. MOPEKS, an acronym for MOdeling PErfomance with KErnels, is a program that enables users to evaluate the performance of processors in various scenarios. These performance evaluations are derived from measurements, simulations, and analytical models to quantify performance characteristics such as execution time, instruction counts, and cache behavior.

Purpose and Usage

MTHD files are an integral part of MOPEKS as they contain method definitions that outline the steps and procedures for the performance evaluations. These definitions specify the specific actions to be taken by MOPEKS during the assessment process, such as the selection of kernels, the execution environment, and the data structures to be used. By customizing method definitions in MTHD files, users can tailor the performance evaluations to suit their specific needs and requirements. The comprehensive documentation provided with MOPEKS offers extensive guidance on creating and using MTHD files, ensuring that users can leverage the full potential of the software for detailed performance analysis and optimization tasks.

Opening MTHD Files

MTHD files are associated with the MOPEKS software, a powerful molecular modeling and simulation program. To open these files, you must have MOPEKS installed on your computer. Once installed, you can open MTHD files using the following steps:

  1. Launch MOPEKS: Locate the MOPEKS icon on your desktop or in the applications menu and double-click to launch the program.

  2. Open File: Once MOPEKS is open, click on the “File” menu and select “Open.” In the file browser window that appears, navigate to the location of your MTHD file and select it.

  3. Load File: Click on the “Open” button to load the MTHD file into MOPEKS. The file will be opened in the main program window, where you can view and edit its contents.

Additional Notes:

  • If you do not have MOPEKS installed, you can download it from the official MOPEKS website (
  • MTHD files are used to store molecular structure and property data, and they are commonly generated by running simulations or calculations within MOPEKS.
  • If you are experiencing difficulty opening MTHD files, ensure that your version of MOPEKS is up to date and that you have the necessary permissions to access the file.

MOPEKS Method File (MTHD)

An MTHD file is a file that stores methods for MOPEKS, a protein modeling and simulation software suite. MOPEKS (Molecular Protein Electrostatics Using KSP) is a free and open-source software suite for modeling and simulating proteins and other biomolecules. The MTHD file format is used to store methods that can be used to perform various tasks within MOPEKS, such as protein structure prediction, protein-ligand docking, and molecular dynamics simulations.

The MTHD file format is a simple text format that uses a key-value pair syntax. Each key represents a specific method parameter, and the value associated with the key specifies the value of that parameter. For example, the following MTHD file contains a method for performing protein structure prediction using the MODELLER program:

method = modeller
model = 1

In this example, the “method” key specifies that the MODELLER program should be used to perform protein structure prediction. The “model” key specifies that the first model generated by MODELLER should be used. MTHD files can be created and edited using any text editor. However, it is important to ensure that the syntax of the file is correct, as errors in the syntax can prevent MOPEKS from loading the file.

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