MSTBIN File – What is .mstbin file and how to open it?


MSTBIN File Extension

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze Message Table – file format by Retro Studios

MSTBIN is a file extension used in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze to store message tables. These tables contain text and dialogue that is displayed in-game, including dialogue between characters and story exposition. MSTBIN files are essential for the game’s story and gameplay, and without them, the game would not be able to display any text.

MSTBIN File Format

An MSTBIN file is a binary data file used by the Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo Switch game, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. It is a message table file that contains text data for the game’s dialogue and other messages. The file is structured as a series of records, each of which contains a message ID, a message string, and a set of message flags. The message IDs are used to identify the messages within the game’s code, while the message strings contain the actual text of the messages. The message flags can be used to control the behavior of the messages, such as whether they are displayed as subtitles or spoken by a character.

MSTBIN File Structure

The MSTBIN file is divided into a header section and a data section. The header section contains information about the file, such as the number of records and the size of each record. The data section contains the message records. Each message record is 12 bytes long and consists of the following fields:

  • Message ID: A 4-byte integer that uniquely identifies the message.
  • Message String: An 8-byte string that contains the text of the message.
  • Message Flags: A 4-byte integer that contains the flags for the message.

Using Text Editors:

MSTBIN files store game-related message tables and can be opened using text editors like Notepad++, Sublime Text, or Atom. These editors allow you to view and edit the raw text strings contained within the file. However, it’s important to exercise caution while modifying the text, as it could potentially affect the functionality of the game.

Using Specialized Tools:

Dedicated tools specifically designed to handle MSTBIN files can provide more advanced functionality. ModMii is one such tool that allows users to extract, view, and modify MSTBIN files. It offers a user-friendly interface and additional features such as searching, filtering, and exporting. Other tools like DecodeBIN and Mogre’s MSTBIN Editor also offer tools for editing and manipulating MSTBIN files.

MSTBIN File Structure

MSTBIN files store message table data utilized in Nintendo’s Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. These files comprise an array of messages displayed throughout gameplay, such as level descriptions, character dialogue, and tutorial prompts. Each message is assigned a unique identifier and consists of various fields, including the message text, sender name, and display options. The file structure features a header followed by a sequence of message entries, enabling efficient access to specific messages during runtime.

MSTBIN File Applications

MSTBIN files play a crucial role in localizing Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze into different languages. By modifying the message text within these files, translators can adapt the game’s dialogue and menus to meet the linguistic requirements of each target audience. Additionally, developers can use MSTBIN files to fine-tune the game’s message presentation. By adjusting display options, they can control factors such as message duration, font size, and color. This level of customization enriches the user interface and enhances the overall gameplay experience.

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