MRY File – What is .mry file and how to open it?


MRY File Extension

Tomboy Industrees Memory File – file format by Tomboy Industrees

MRY is a file extension for a memory file format developed by Tomboy Industries. It is used to store notes, tasks, and other information in a structured format.

MRY File Format

An MRY file is a memory file associated with the Tomboy note-taking application developed by Tomboy Industries. It stores notes, including text, images, and links, created within the Tomboy software. MRY files are essentially serialized representations of notes that can be opened, edited, and saved using Tomboy.

Technical Details

Technically, an MRY file is structured as an XML document using the MemoryFile schema. It contains elements representing the note’s title, body text, and any associated attachments. Additional metadata, such as the note’s creation date, modification date, and author, is also stored within the MRY file. MRY files are typically bundled into single, compressed archive files for storage and distribution, with the archive file extension being either .tbz or .zip.

Using Tomboy

The primary method to open MRY files is through Tomboy, a note-taking application developed by Tomboy Industrees. Tomboy allows seamless integration with the GNOME desktop environment, enabling users to create, edit, and manage notes effortlessly. To open an MRY file in Tomboy:

  • Ensure Tomboy is installed on your system.
  • Navigate to the location of the MRY file.
  • Right-click on the file and select “Open With” > “Tomboy.”

Tomboy will launch and display the contents of the MRY file. You can then edit, save, or export the note as needed.

Alternative Methods

In the absence of Tomboy, there are alternative methods to open MRY files:

  • Text Editor: MRY files are plain text files. You can open them using any text editor, such as Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), or gedit (Linux), and view their contents. However, you may not be able to edit or save the file properly.
  • Online Converter: Some online services, such as Zamzar, offer the ability to convert MRY files to other formats, such as TXT or RTF. This allows you to access the content of the file without the need for specific software.

MRY File Format

The .MRY file extension is associated with Tomboy Industrees Memory File, a data file format utilized by the Tomboy note-taking application. Tomboy is an open-source software that allows users to create, edit, and organize text-based notes. MRY files serve as a storage container for these notes, capturing the content, metadata, and formatting information.

MRY File Structure

MRY files employ a proprietary binary format, which is optimized for efficient storage and retrieval. They encapsulate both the note’s text content and its associated attributes, including the note’s title, author, creation and modification timestamps, and tags. Additionally, MRY files can incorporate images, links, and other multimedia elements within the note’s body.

Other Extensions