MOUNTAIN File – What is .mountain file and how to open it?


MOUNTAIN File Extension

A Short Hike Saved Game – file format by adamgryu

MOUNTAIN is a file extension for saved game files created by the video game A Short Hike, developed by adamgryu. The file contains information about the player’s progress in the game, including their current location, inventory, and other data.

MOUNTAIN File Format

A MOUNTAIN file is a saved game file used by A Short Hike, a video game developed by adamgryu. It contains the player’s progress, including their current location, inventory, and quest status. MOUNTAIN files are typically stored in the game’s save directory, which is usually located in the user’s home directory.

Editing MOUNTAIN Files

MOUNTAIN files can be edited using a text editor or a dedicated game save editor. However, it is important to note that editing MOUNTAIN files can corrupt the save data, so it is recommended only for experienced users. Editing MOUNTAIN files can be useful for modifying the player’s progress, such as adding items to the inventory or unlocking new areas. It can also be used to fix bugs or to create custom save states.

Using a Game Editor

One method to open a MOUNTAIN file is by utilizing a game editor. These specialized programs allow you to manipulate and modify the contents of game files. For MOUNTAIN files, a suitable choice is the Unity Asset Bundle Extractor (UABE).

  1. Install UABE: Download and install the latest version of UABE from its official website.
  2. Load MOUNTAIN file: Launch UABE and click “File” > “Open.” Navigate to the location of your MOUNTAIN file and select it.
  3. Extract assets: Once the file is loaded, you can extract its assets, including images, sounds, and game data, by clicking “Extract” in the left-hand panel.

Using a Text Editor

Alternatively, you can open a MOUNTAIN file using a simple text editor like Notepad or TextEdit. However, this approach provides limited functionality and should only be used if you need to inspect specific text data within the file.

  1. Create a copy: Before editing the MOUNTAIN file, it is recommended to create a copy for backup purposes.
  2. Open with text editor: Right-click on the MOUNTAIN file and select “Open With” > “Notepad” (or your preferred text editor).
  3. View text data: The file will open as plain text, allowing you to read the underlying game data, including player stats, level progress, and map information.

File Format and Contents

MOUNTAIN files are saved game files used in “A Short Hike,” an adventure game developed by adamgryu. They store the player’s progress and contain information such as the player’s current position, inventory, and quest status. MOUNTAIN files are typically saved automatically at various checkpoints throughout the game, allowing players to resume their progress from where they left off if they need to exit the game.

Editing and Modification

MOUNTAIN files can potentially be edited or modified using save game editors or other specialized software. However, this is not an officially supported action, and modifying saved game files can risk corrupting them or causing issues with the game’s functionality. Players should exercise caution when attempting to modify MOUNTAIN files and do so at their own discretion.

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