MIUIGALLERY File – What is .miuigallery file and how to open it?


MIUIGALLERY File Extension

MIUI Gallery Junk Data – file format by Xiaomi

The MIUIGALLERY file extension is associated with junk data generated by the MIUI Gallery app on Xiaomi devices. It often contains temporary files, app caches, and other data that can be safely deleted to free up storage space.

What is a MIUIGALLERY File?

MIUIGALLERY files are a type of system file created by the Xiaomi MIUI Gallery app. They contain thumbnail images, metadata, and other information generated by the app when users view and manage photos and videos. MIUIGALLERY files are essential for the Gallery app to function properly and provide users with a seamless experience when navigating and viewing their media.

In technical terms, MIUIGALLERY files are often stored in a compressed format to optimize storage space. They are typically organized into folders based on the date the photos or videos were taken or modified. The files contain information such as image resolution, file size, timestamps, and other details that help the Gallery app display and manage the media efficiently. These files are not intended to be opened or edited by users and are mainly used by the MIUI Gallery app internally.


MIUIGALLERY files are classified as data files and are commonly associated with MIUI Gallery, a mobile app developed by Xiaomi for managing photos and videos on Android devices. These files contain junk data that is generated by the app, such as thumbnails, temporary caches, and other unnecessary information. They do not store user-imported media content.

To open MIUIGALLERY files, users typically do not need to take any specific actions. The files are managed internally by the MIUI Gallery app and do not require manual intervention. Attempting to open MIUIGALLERY files directly through file explorers or external applications may not be possible or may result in errors, as they are not intended for general use outside of the MIUI Gallery ecosystem. Therefore, users can rely on the app to automatically handle these files for efficient storage and performance optimization.

MIUIGALLERY File: An Overview

The MIUIGALLERY file extension, developed by Xiaomi, is associated with junk data generated by the MIUI Gallery application. The MIUI Gallery is a default photo and video management app on Xiaomi devices. It automatically creates thumbnail images, cache files, and other temporary data as users browse and manage their media. These junk files can accumulate over time, taking up valuable storage space and reducing the efficiency of the Gallery app.

Characteristics and Purpose of MIUIGALLERY Files

MIUIGALLERY files are typically small in size, each containing a thumbnail image or other auxiliary data related to a specific photo or video in the Gallery. They are stored in hidden folders within the device’s storage, such as “.thumbnails” or “.cache.” While these junk files are non-essential and can be safely deleted, they may help the Gallery app load media more quickly and smoothly. However, if the amount of junk data becomes excessive, it can cause performance issues and slow down the device.

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