MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS File – What is .minesweepersave-ms file and how to open it?



Minesweeper Saved Game – file format by Microsoft

MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS is a file extension for a Minesweeper Saved Game file developed by Microsoft. It stores the current state of a Minesweeper game, allowing users to save and load their progress.


MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS files are created by the classic Windows game Minesweeper. They store game data that allows users to save and resume their progress in a particular Minesweeper game. The file format is proprietary to Microsoft and is not documented, but it is known to contain information such as the game grid dimensions, the number of mines placed on the grid, and the status of each cell on the grid (e.g., covered, revealed, flagged).

Importance of MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS Files

MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS files play a crucial role in the gameplay experience of Minesweeper. They enable players to pause and resume games at any point, allowing them to take breaks or come back to the game later. This feature is particularly valuable in longer Minesweeper games that can take several hours to complete. By saving their progress, players can avoid having to start over from the beginning if they accidentally lose the game or need to stop playing for any reason.


The MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS file format is a proprietary file format used by the classic Microsoft Minesweeper game. It stores the state of a game in progress, including the location of mines, the number of flags placed, and the time elapsed. MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS files are typically saved with the “.MIN” extension.


MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS files can be opened with the classic Microsoft Minesweeper game. To open a MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS file in Minesweeper:

  1. Open Minesweeper.
  2. Click on the “File” menu.
  3. Select “Open”.
  4. Navigate to the MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS file you want to open.
  5. Click on the “Open” button.

The MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS file will be opened in Minesweeper and the game will resume from the saved state.

Nature and Purpose of MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS Files

MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS files, associated with the classic Microsoft Minesweeper game, serve as containers for saved game states. They encapsulate the current layout of the game, including the positions of mines, the uncovered spaces, and any flags placed by the player. These files allow users to pause and resume gameplay, ensuring uninterrupted progress without the need to start over from the beginning.

Structure and Content of MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS Files

The MINESWEEPERSAVE-MS file format employs a binary structure to store the necessary information. It consists of several sections that collectively describe the game’s state. The header section contains metadata such as the width and height of the board, the number of mines, and the time elapsed. Subsequent sections detail the board’s layout, indicating the revealed status of each cell and the presence of flags. Additionally, the file tracks the player’s best time for the specific game configuration and stores the current difficulty level.

Other Extensions