MFO File – What is .mfo file and how to open it?


MFO File Extension

Perl ModInfo Descriptor File – file format by Perl

MFO (Perl ModInfo Descriptor File) is a Perl file that provides metadata about a Perl module. It is used by the CPAN client to install and manage Perl modules.

Introduction to .MFO Files

A file with the .MFO file extension is a Perl ModInfo Descriptor File. Perl is a widely-used, high-level programming language known for its versatility and readability, particularly in web development and system administration tasks. ModInfo is a Perl module that allows users to create and manage module metadata, providing information about the module’s functionality, dependencies, and documentation.

Content and Structure of .MFO Files

.MFO files contain metadata about Perl modules. They store information about the module’s name, version, dependencies, author, license, and documentation. The format of .MFO files is designed to be machine-readable, enabling automated processing and interpretation of module metadata. This metadata is essential for package managers and other tools to discover, install, and manage Perl modules efficiently.

In essence, .MFO files provide a standardized way to describe and distribute Perl modules, making it easier for developers to share and reuse code. They facilitate the distribution of module metadata alongside the module code, ensuring that important information is readily available for users and automated systems.

Using Perl’s ModInfo Module

Perl’s ModInfo module provides the functionality to read and write MFO files. It allows users to retrieve information about Perl modules and packages. To use this module, install it via the CPAN command:

cpan install ModInfo

Once installed, you can open an MFO file by creating a ModInfo object:

use ModInfo;

my $modinfo = ModInfo->new({
file => ‘path/to/module.mfo’,

This object can then be used to access various properties of the module, such as its name, version, and dependencies.

Using the mfo2json Tool

Alternatively, you can use the mfo2json tool, a command-line utility that converts MFO files to JSON format. This allows users to view the MFO file’s contents in a more readable and structured manner. To use this tool, install it via CPAN:

cpan install mfo2json

Once installed, you can convert an MFO file to JSON using the following command:

mfo2json path/to/module.mfo

The output JSON can then be viewed or processed as needed.

Perl ModInfo Descriptor File (.MFO)

Perl ModInfo Descriptor Files (MFOs) are text files that provide metadata about Perl modules. They are used by Perl’s packaging system (CPAN) to manage module installations and dependencies. MFOs contain information such as the module’s name, version, author, and dependencies. They also include a brief description of the module and its functionality.

MFOs are typically generated automatically when a module is installed or updated. They can also be created manually using the “Module::Info” module. When a module is installed, its MFO is stored in the Perl library directory. This allows Perl to automatically load and manage the module’s dependencies. MFOs are an essential part of Perl’s packaging and dependency management system, ensuring that modules can be installed and used seamlessly. By providing metadata about modules, MFOs help to streamline the installation and maintenance of Perl applications.

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