METADATA_NEVER_INDEX File – What is .metadata_never_index file and how to open it?



Spotlight Never Index File – file format by Apple

METADATANEVERINDEX is a file extension developed by Apple to indicate that a file should be excluded from Spotlight indexing. This extension prevents Spotlight from searching the file’s contents, metadata, and file name, ensuring that the file remains private and secure.

Nature and Function of METADATANEVERINDEX Files

METADATANEVERINDEX files are used by Apple’s Spotlight search feature to exclude specific files and directories from indexing. These files contain a list of paths that Spotlight should ignore during its indexing process. The purpose of METADATANEVERINDEX files is to prevent Spotlight from indexing sensitive or irrelevant data, improving search efficiency and protecting user privacy.

Creation and Deployment

METADATANEVERINDEX files are typically created manually by users or by third-party applications. To create a METADATANEVERINDEX file, a text file named “.metadataneverindex” (without the quotation marks) is created in the root directory of the drive or partition where the excluded files reside. The file should contain a list of paths, separated by line breaks, that are to be excluded from indexing. For example, a METADATANEVERINDEX file with the path “/Users/John/Private” would prevent Spotlight from indexing any files or directories within the “Private” folder of the “John” user.

Metadata Never Index File

A METADATANEVERINDEX file is a hidden file created by Apple’s Spotlight indexing service. It is used to prevent certain files and folders from being indexed by Spotlight, allowing users to exclude items such as sensitive data or temporary files from the search results. The file itself is an empty file with no data stored within it.


METADATANEVERINDEX files are stored within the Spotlight’s database directory, typically located at “/Library/CoreSpotlight/”. However, they are hidden files and are not visible by default in the Finder. To access them, users can use the Terminal application and navigate to the database directory using the “cd” command. Once there, they can use the “ls -a” command to view all files, including hidden ones. METADATANEVERINDEX files will appear with the “.metadataneverindex” extension.

Metadata Exclusion for Improved Performance

The .METADATANEVERINDEX file extension designates files that should be excluded from indexing by Spotlight, Apple’s built-in search tool. By excluding certain files from indexing, users can improve the overall performance of Spotlight and ensure that only relevant files are returned in search results. This is particularly beneficial for large media files, such as videos and music, that consume significant storage space and rarely need to be searched. By excluding these files from indexing, Spotlight’s search operations become faster and more efficient.

Customization and User Control

The .METADATANEVERINDEX file serves as a powerful tool for users who wish to customize how Spotlight indexes their files. By selectively excluding specific files or folders from indexing, users can maintain a balance between search performance and the availability of search results. For instance, users may choose to exclude system files, temporary files, or files that are rarely used, ensuring that Spotlight focuses on indexing files that are more likely to be searched. This level of customization allows users to tailor Spotlight’s indexing behavior to suit their specific needs and preferences.

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