MCR File – What is .mcr file and how to open it?


MCR File Extension

Minecraft Region File – file format by Mojang Specifications

MCR (Minecraft Region File) is a proprietary Minecraft file format that stores chunks of terrain data. It is used to organize and load world data in the game.

Minecraft Region File Format

A Minecraft Region File (MCR) is a binary data format used in the popular sandbox video game Minecraft. It is a compressed container that stores chunks of terrain data within a specific region of the game world. Each MCR file covers a 512×512 block area, divided into 32×32 block chunks. The file contains information about the terrain’s elevation, block types, and other properties within that region. MCR files are crucial for storing and loading large, persistent worlds in Minecraft.

Technical Details

MCR files are compressed using the Region File Format (RFF), a custom compression algorithm developed by Mojang. The RFF compression is lossless, meaning no data is lost during the compression or decompression process. Each MCR file contains a single 64 MB region, which is divided into sectors of 4 KB each. The data within these sectors is further compressed using various techniques, including run-length encoding and Huffman coding. This efficient compression scheme allows Minecraft to store vast amounts of terrain data in a compact and manageable format.

Opening and Reading MCR Files

MCR files, commonly known as Minecraft Region Files, store data for chunks in the Minecraft world. To open and read these files, specific tools or software are required. One popular tool for handling MCR files is MCEdit, a free and open-source world editor for Minecraft. With MCEdit, users can browse and edit the contents of MCR files, allowing them to view and modify the terrain, structures, and other elements of the Minecraft world. Another option for opening MCR files is the NBTExplorer tool, which is specifically designed to edit and view NBT (Named Binary Tag) data, the format used in Minecraft to store data in MCR files. NBTExplorer provides a user-friendly interface for navigating and manipulating the contents of MCR files.

Additional Methods for Accessing MCR Data

Beyond these specific tools, there are additional methods for accessing the data stored in MCR files. One approach is to use a hexadecimal editor, such as HxD or Bless Hex Editor, to directly view and edit the raw binary data within the MCR file. However, this method requires a deep understanding of the MCR file format and is not recommended for casual users. Another option is to convert MCR files to a more accessible format, such as JSON or XML. This can be achieved using third-party tools or custom scripts, allowing users to work with the data in a more structured and human-readable form.

Structure and Contents of MCR Files

MCR files, or Minecraft Region Files, are crucial components of the Minecraft game world. They are binary files that store chunks of terrain data in a specific region within the Minecraft world. Each MCR file represents a 32 by 32 chunk area in the game, with each chunk being a cube of 16 by 16 by 16 blocks. MCR files contain information about the terrain, blocks, entities, and other elements present within the corresponding region.

MCR files are organized into a hierarchical structure. They are divided into sectors, which are then divided into chunks. Each sector contains data for 32 chunks, while each chunk contains data for 4096 blocks. This structure allows for efficient storage and retrieval of terrain data within Minecraft. Additionally, MCR files utilize data compression techniques to reduce their file size while maintaining data integrity.

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