MAKEFILE File – What is .makefile file and how to open it?


MAKEFILE File Extension

Makefile – file format by N/A

A Makefile is a file used by the Make program to automate the compilation and linking of a software project. It contains instructions on how to build the target program from its source code.

What is a MAKEFILE?

A MAKEFILE is a text file that specifies the dependencies and commands necessary to build a software project. It is used by the GNU make utility, a tool that automates the process of compiling and linking source code. The MAKEFILE lists the source files, object files, and libraries that are needed to build the project, as well as the commands that should be executed to compile and link the code.


When you run the make command, it reads the MAKEFILE and determines which files need to be recompiled. It then executes the commands specified in the MAKEFILE to compile the source files, link the object files, and create the final executable file. The MAKEFILE allows you to specify different targets, which are different versions of the project that can be built. For example, you could create a target for a debug build and a target for a release build. The MAKEFILE also allows you to specify dependencies, which are files that must be updated before other files can be compiled.

Viewing MAKEFILE Files Using Text Editors

MAKEFILE files, commonly known as Makefiles, are text-based configuration files used to automate build processes. They contain instructions for building software projects, defining dependencies and the steps required to compile and link source code. To view the contents of a MAKEFILE file, you can use any text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) that supports plain text editing. Popular text editors for MAKEFILE files include Notepad++, Sublime Text, and Atom.

Opening MAKEFILE Files in Terminal or Command Prompt

Another way to open and view MAKEFILE files is through the terminal or command prompt. This method is particularly useful when working with Makefile-based projects in a command-line environment. To open a MAKEFILE file in the terminal, navigate to the directory where the file is located using the cd command. Once in the correct directory, use the cat or more commands to display the contents of the MAKEFILE file. For instance, the following command displays the MAKEFILE file in the current directory:


Makefile Structure and Function

A Makefile is a text file containing instructions for building a software project. It defines the dependencies between different source files and specifies the commands needed to compile, link, and test the code. The Makefile’s purpose is to automate the build process, reducing manual effort and ensuring consistency. Each Makefile typically consists of three main sections: targets, dependencies, and commands. Targets represent the specific files or tasks to be created, such as the executable program or test results. Dependencies list the files that must exist or be updated before a target can be built. Commands specify the specific actions to be performed to generate a target, such as compilation, linking, or testing.

Makefile Syntax and Usage

The syntax of a Makefile is relatively simple. Targets and dependencies are defined using the following format:

target: dependency1 dependency2 ...

Commands are written on subsequent lines, indented with a tab character:


Makefiles are typically invoked using the “make” command. This command reads the Makefile and executes the necessary commands to build the specified targets. The “make” command also supports various options, such as “-f” to specify the Makefile location and “-t” to print the build commands without executing them. Makefiles provide a powerful and flexible way to manage build processes. By defining dependencies and commands explicitly, developers can ensure that their projects build consistently and efficiently, reducing errors and saving time.

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