LOCALIZED File – What is .localized file and how to open it?


LOCALIZED File Extension

macOS Directory Localization File – file format by Apple

The LOCALIZED file extension is used by macOS for directory localization. It contains localized information for a specific language and region, such as the name of the directory in that language.

Definition of a LOCALIZED File

A LOCALIZED file, denoted by the “.LOCALIZED” extension on macOS, is a directory that contains localized resources for software applications or operating systems. It enables the localization of software interfaces and content into multiple languages, providing users with a customized and language-specific experience.

Purpose and Features

LOCALIZED files serve as containers for localized resources, such as translated text strings, images, audio files, and other data. By storing these resources separately from the main application executable, it allows for easy updates and distribution of language-specific content. The localization process involves creating a LOCALIZED file for each supported language and populating it with the corresponding localized resources. The operating system or application then loads the appropriate LOCALIZED file based on the user’s preferred language settings, enabling the software to display language-specific content and provide a seamless user experience.

What is a .LOCALIZED File?

A .LOCALIZED file is a macOS Directory Localization File used to store localized data for macOS applications. It contains localized strings and other resources, such as images and videos, that are used to customize the application’s user interface for different languages and regions. .LOCALIZED files are stored in a specific directory within the application bundle and are loaded at runtime to provide the appropriate localized content.

How to Open a .LOCALIZED File

.LOCALIZED files are not standalone files and cannot be opened directly. They are only accessible and processed by the application that created them. When the application is launched, it automatically loads the appropriate .LOCALIZED file based on the user’s language and region settings. Developers can use various tools and utilities to work with .LOCALIZED files, such as Xcode and Apple’s Localization Editor. These tools allow developers to create, edit, and manage the localized content within .LOCALIZED files.

macOS Directory Localization File (.LOCALIZED)

The .LOCALIZED file extension is used by Apple’s macOS operating system to store localized directory names. It contains localized names for directories in a specific language, allowing users to view and navigate directories in their preferred language. The .LOCALIZED file is typically found within a directory, alongside its corresponding non-localized directory name.

When a user changes the system language, macOS automatically loads the appropriate .LOCALIZED file to display localized directory names. This ensures that users can easily navigate their files and folders, regardless of the language they are using. The .LOCALIZED file format is proprietary to macOS and is not compatible with other operating systems. It is also important to note that the .LOCALIZED file is not a translation file, but rather a simple mapping of localized directory names. If a user needs to translate directory names into a different language, they must use a dedicated translation tool.

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