LNT File – What is .lnt file and how to open it?


LNT File Extension

PC-lint/FlexeLint Configuration File – file format by Gimpel Software

LNT (PC-lint/FlexeLint Configuration File) is a configuration file format developed by Gimpel Software for use with their PC-lint and FlexeLint code analysis tools. It allows users to customize the settings and options of these tools.

LNT File

An LNT file is a configuration file used by PC-lint and FlexeLint, static code analyzers developed by Gimpel Software. It contains settings that determine how the tool scans and analyzes source code for potential errors and deviations from coding standards. LNT files allow users to customize the analysis process by specifying options such as the level of error checking, the reporting format, and the target programming language. They can also be used to define custom rules and include external header files for additional analysis configurations.

Usage and Benefits

LNT files play a crucial role in the development process by helping to identify coding errors and enforce coding standards at an early stage. They improve code quality by detecting issues such as syntax errors, type mismatches, uninitialized variables, and potential memory leaks. LNT files also promote consistency within a development team by ensuring that all developers adhere to the same coding conventions, making it easier to maintain and collaborate on codebases. By automating the code analysis process, LNT files save time and effort compared to manual inspections and can significantly reduce the number of bugs and defects in the final product.

What is an LNT File?

An LNT file is a plain text file that contains configuration settings for PC-lint or FlexeLint, static code analysis tools developed by Gimpel Software. These tools are used to identify potential errors and bugs in C and C++ code. LNT files specify various options that control the behavior of the analysis, such as the rules to be enforced, the level of verbosity, and the output format.

How to Open an LNT File

To open an LNT file, you can use a text editor such as Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), or Vim. You can also use the PC-lint or FlexeLint command-line tools to process LNT files. The syntax of the LNT file is relatively straightforward, consisting of a series of commands and their corresponding arguments. For example, the following LNT file configures PC-lint to ignore errors in files ending with “.bak”:


To use this LNT file, you would specify it as a command-line argument when running PC-lint:

$ pclint -lntfile my_config.lnt my_code.c

PC-lint/FlexeLint Configuration File (.LNT)

PC-lint/FlexeLint configuration files (.LNT) are text files that store project-specific settings for the PC-lint and FlexeLint static code analysis tools, both developed by Gimpel Software. These files allow users to configure various analysis options, including error severity levels, suppression of specific warnings, and custom rules. By tailoring the configuration file to their specific project requirements, users can optimize the analysis process and focus on the most relevant issues.

Usage and Benefits

LNT configuration files are typically saved in the same directory as the source code being analyzed. The configuration file’s settings are parsed by PC-lint/FlexeLint during the analysis process, overriding any default settings. This allows users to customize the analysis for different projects, environments, or programming styles. By specifying the desired error severities, users can control which warnings are reported as errors, ensuring that the most critical issues are prioritized. Additionally, suppression rules enable users to selectively disable certain warnings for specific code sections, reducing false positives and improving code readability. Custom rules provide users with the flexibility to define their own analysis criteria, extending the capabilities of PC-lint/FlexeLint for specific project needs.

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