LIST File – What is .list file and how to open it?


LIST File Extension

APT List File – file format by N/A

LIST is a plain text file format used by the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) in Debian-based Linux distributions. It lists the available software packages, their versions, and their dependencies.

Definition of a LIST File

A LIST file is a plain text file that contains a list of files and directories. It is commonly used in software package management systems to specify the files that need to be installed or removed. LIST files can also be used to store lists of files that need to be backed up or synchronized.

Structure of a LIST File

LIST files typically consist of one line per file or directory, with each line containing the full path of the file or directory. Lines can be separated by any of the following characters: newline, carriage return, or line feed. LIST files may also contain comments, which are typically prefixed with a pound sign (#). Comments are ignored by the software that reads the LIST file.

What is a LIST File?

A LIST file contains a list of packages to be installed or removed from a Debian-based Linux system. It is generated by the apt package manager when you use the apt-mark command to mark packages for installation or removal. LIST files can also be created manually using a text editor.

How to Open a LIST File?

LIST files can be opened using any text editor, such as nano, vi, or gedit. Simply open the file in the text editor and you will be able to view the contents. LIST files are typically organized into sections, with each section containing a list of packages to be installed or removed. The following is an example of a LIST file:


This is an APT List file

It contains a list of packages to be installed

Packages to be installed


Packages to be removed


Once you have opened a LIST file, you can view the contents and make any necessary changes. Once you are satisfied with the changes, you can save the file and close the text editor. To apply the changes in the LIST file, you can use the apt command with the -f option, as follows:

sudo apt update
sudo apt -f install

Content and Usage

A LIST file contains a list of packages for the Advanced Package Tool (APT), which is a package management system used in Debian-based Linux distributions. This file specifies the packages to be installed, removed, or upgraded on a system. LIST files are typically created by users to group packages for specific purposes, such as installing a software suite or dependencies for a particular application.

Structure and Syntax

LIST files follow a simple syntax. Each line in the file contains a single package name, which can be followed by a comma-separated list of options. The following options are available:

  • install: Instructs APT to install the package.
  • remove: Instructs APT to remove the package.
  • purge: Instructs APT to purge the package and its configuration files.
  • upgrade: Instructs APT to upgrade the package to the latest available version.
  • hold: Instructs APT to hold the package at its current version, preventing it from being updated.
  • source: Instructs APT to install the source package for the package.

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