LESSHST File – What is .lesshst file and how to open it?


LESSHST File Extension

Less Search History – file format by Greenwood Software

LESSHST is a file extension associated with Less Search History, a software application developed by Greenwood Software that reduces the size of web browsing history files. It removes duplicate entries, empty folders, and other unnecessary data to improve browser performance and privacy.

Definition and Purpose

A LESSHST file is a binary file that stores the search history for the Less software. Developed by Greenwood Software, Less is a free and open-source text editor that provides advanced features for editing and syntax highlighting. The LESSHST file serves as a repository for the terms and phrases that have been searched for within Less.

Contents and Functionality

The LESSHST file contains a list of recent search terms. Each entry in the file includes the actual search term, the timestamp of the search, and the number of times the term has been searched for. This information allows Less to quickly recall and display recent search results, making it easier for users to find and access previously searched-for content.

Location and Accessibility

The location of the LESSHST file varies depending on the operating system. On Windows systems, it can typically be found in the user’s Documents folder, while on macOS it is usually stored in the Library/Application Support/Less folder. Users can access the LESSHST file to view or modify the search history. Modifying the file may be necessary if certain search terms need to be removed or if the file becomes corrupted.

Opening LESSHST Files

LESSHST files are associated with the Less search engine and contain a history of searches performed by the user. To open a LESSHST file, you will need to have the Less software installed on your computer. Once Less is installed, you can open a LESSHST file by double-clicking on it. The file will open in the Less interface, and you will be able to view your search history.

Additional Information

Less is a free and open-source search engine that is known for its privacy features. LESSHST files are stored in a plain text format, which means that they can be easily opened and read with a text editor. If you do not wish to install Less on your computer, you can also view your LESSHST files online by visiting the Less website.

LESSHST File Format

The LESSHST file extension is associated with the Less software, a text editor designed for programmers. LESSHST files store the search history for the Less software, allowing users to quickly navigate and find specific lines of text within a document. The file format is a simple text file that consists of a list of search entries, each of which includes the search term, the line number where the term was found, and the filename of the document where the term was found.

Advantages of LESSHST Files

LESSHST files offer several advantages for users of the Less software. First, they provide a convenient way to keep track of search terms and their corresponding locations within a document. This can be especially useful for large or complex documents where finding specific lines of text can be time-consuming. Second, LESSHST files can be shared with other users, allowing them to easily access the same search history and quickly find the information they need. Additionally, LESSHST files can be imported and exported, making it easy to move search histories between different computers or software installations.

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