KKSRC File – What is .kksrc file and how to open it?


KKSRC File Extension

KDE Plasma Keyboard Shortcut Settings – file format by KDE

KKSRC is a KDE Plasma Keyboard Shortcut Settings file extension developed by KDE. It stores custom keyboard shortcut settings for the KDE Plasma desktop environment. The file contains a list of key bindings and the actions they trigger.

Definition of a KKSRC File

A KKSRC file is a plain text file that stores keyboard shortcut settings for KDE Plasma, a graphical user interface for Linux desktops. It contains a list of keyboard shortcuts, each specified by a combination of keys and the associated action or command that should be executed when the shortcut is pressed. KKSRC files allow users to customize and personalize their keyboard shortcuts to suit their individual preferences and workflows.

Structure and Content of a KKSRC File

KKSRC files are organized using a simple syntax. Each line in the file represents a single keyboard shortcut. The syntax is as follows:

[shortcut] = action


  • [shortcut] is the combination of keys that triggers the shortcut, expressed in the format <key1>+<key2>+.... Key names are case-insensitive, and modifiers (such as Ctrl, Alt, and Shift) are prefixed with +.
  • action is the command or action that should be executed when the shortcut is pressed, typically a program or script.

KKSRC files can contain multiple shortcut definitions. They can also include inline comments to provide documentation or explanations of the shortcuts.

KDE Plasma Keyboard Shortcut Settings (.KKSRC)

KDE Plasma Keyboard Shortcut Settings (.KKSRC) files contain keyboard shortcut settings for KDE Plasma, a desktop environment for Linux-based operating systems. They store information about custom shortcuts assigned to various commands and applications. These files enable users to personalize their keyboard shortcuts and streamline their workflow. To open a .KKSRC file, you can use the KDE System Settings application.

Steps to Open a .KKSRC File

  1. Install KDE System Settings: If you don’t have KDE System Settings installed, install it from your system’s package manager.

  2. Open System Settings: Launch KDE System Settings from your desktop’s application menu or by typing “systemsettings5” in a terminal window.

  3. Navigate to Keyboard Shortcuts: In System Settings, navigate to the “Keyboard Shortcuts” section under the “Input Devices” category.

  4. Import KKSRC File: Click the “Import” button in the Keyboard Shortcuts settings window. A file browser window will open where you can locate and select the .KKSRC file you want to open.

  5. Apply Settings: Once you have selected the .KKSRC file, click the “Open” button to import the settings. The custom shortcuts defined in the file will be applied to your system.

File Structure and Functionality of KKSRC Files

KKSRC files are XML-based configuration files used by KDE Plasma, a graphical desktop environment for Linux systems. They contain settings for keyboard shortcuts, providing a customizable way for users to optimize their workflow. The file’s structure follows the XML Schema, defining sections for global, component, and action shortcuts. Global shortcuts apply system-wide, component shortcuts are specific to particular applications or widgets, and action shortcuts trigger specific commands or functions within those components.

KKSRC File Management and Editing

KKSRC files are typically located in ~/.kde/share/config/kksrc or /usr/share/config/kksrc. Users can modify these files using text editors or dedicated configuration tools provided by KDE. However, it’s recommended to avoid direct editing unless necessary, as incorrect syntax or invalid settings could disrupt the functionality of KDE Plasma. Instead, using graphical configuration interfaces or keyboard shortcut managers is recommended for making changes, ensuring proper validation and consistency. These tools allow users to create, modify, assign, and organize shortcuts without the risk of introducing errors.

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