ITC2 File – What is .itc2 file and how to open it?


ITC2 File Extension

iTunes Cover Flow Data File 2 – file format by Apple

ITC2 is an iTunes file extension used to store artwork and metadata for album covers displayed in Cover Flow view. It contains high-resolution images and other data related to the album and its tracks.

Definition and Purpose

An ITC2 file is a proprietary data file utilized by Apple’s iTunes software. It stores information related to the display and organization of album artwork, known as cover art, within iTunes’ Cover Flow feature. Cover Flow is a visual browsing mode that allows users to navigate their music library by scrolling through album covers in a 3D, carousel-like view.

Structure and Content

ITC2 files contain metadata about each album cover, including information such as the image size, resolution, and crop rectangle. They also include references to the actual image files stored elsewhere on the computer. By extracting this data, iTunes can efficiently display and manage album covers within Cover Flow, ensuring optimal visual presentation and ease of use. Additionally, ITC2 files can contain information about album names, artists, and other relevant metadata that assists iTunes in organizing and filtering the Cover Flow display.

iTunes Cover Flow Data File 2 (ITC2) and Its Usage

ITC2 is a proprietary file format used by Apple’s iTunes music player, specifically for storing cover art information related to songs in an iTunes library. This file contains thumbnail images of album covers and other associated metadata for each song. It plays a crucial role in providing a visually appealing and organized Cover Flow experience within iTunes, allowing users to browse and select songs based on their album artwork.

To access the ITC2 file, open the iTunes application on a Mac or Windows computer. Navigate to the Library section and select the “View” menu. Choose “Show Album Artwork” to display the album covers in the Cover Flow view. The ITC2 file is typically located within the iTunes Media folder, which can be accessed by clicking on “File” and selecting “Preferences.” Under “Advanced,” the iTunes Media folder location is displayed. Within this folder, locate the “Album Artwork” subfolder and the corresponding ITC2 file for the desired album.

ITC2 File Format

The ITC2 file extension is associated with iTunes Cover Flow Data File 2, a binary file format created by Apple. ITC2 files store thumbnail images used in the Cover Flow view within the iTunes music player application. They are typically found in the “iTunes Artwork” folder on Mac or Windows systems and are named with a unique identifier followed by the “.itc2” extension. ITC2 files contain a compressed thumbnail image of the album artwork and are used to speed up the display of album covers in iTunes.

ITC2 File Structure

ITC2 files are structured in a specific format. They start with a header that contains information about the file, such as the version, the size of the thumbnail, and a timestamp. The header is followed by the actual thumbnail image data, which is compressed using the JPEG or PNG format. The thumbnail image data is stored in a grid format, with each tile in the grid representing a section of the original album artwork.

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