IOPLIST File – What is .ioplist file and how to open it?


IOPLIST File Extension

Mac OS X IOPLIST File – file format by Apple

IOPLISTIOPLIST files store lists of device properties, configurations, and services for each device connected to a Mac computer. These files play a crucial role in managing and controlling the hardware and peripherals of the system.


An IOPLIST file is a text file that contains a list of all the Input/Output (IO) Kit drivers that are loaded on a Mac OS X system. IOPLIST is a command-line tool that can be used to generate this list. The list of drivers includes information such as the driver’s name, version, and date. IOPLIST files can be used to troubleshoot IO Kit driver issues and to determine if a particular driver is loaded on a system.

Additional Information

IOPLIST files are typically located in the /Library/IOKit/IOKitLib directory. These files can be opened and viewed with any text editor, such as TextEdit or Xcode. IOPLIST files can also be generated from the command line by using the following command:

ioplist -l

The -l option specifies that the list of drivers should be printed to a file. The output file will be saved to the current directory.

Utility Software for Opening IOPLIST Files

To open and view the contents of an IOPLIST file, you require a utility or software program compatible with the Mac OS X operating system. One such utility widely used is the Apple Terminal application. The Terminal provides a command-line interface to interact with the operating system and execute various commands. By employing Terminal commands, you can access and explore the data within an IOPLIST file.

Using Apple Terminal to Open IOPLIST Files

To open an IOPLIST file with Apple Terminal, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Terminal application on your Mac.

  2. Use the “cd” command to navigate to the directory where the IOPLIST file is located.

  3. Once you are in the correct directory, type the following command to open the IOPLIST file:

plutil -convert json -o - /path/to/file.IOPLIST > /path/to/output.json

  1. Replace “/path/to/file.IOPLIST” with the actual path and filename of the IOPLIST file you want to open.

  2. Replace “/path/to/output.json” with the path and name of the output JSON file you want to create.

By executing this command, the IOPLIST file will be converted into a JSON format, which can be easily viewed and parsed by various text editors or JSON viewers. This JSON file will contain the data and configuration information stored in the original IOPLIST file.

IOPLIST File Format

An IOPLIST file stores a list of Input/Output (IO) devices and their properties. It is used by the IO Registry, a component of the macOS operating system, to manage and configure hardware devices. The file contains information about the device’s name, type, location, and other attributes. IOPLIST files are typically generated by hardware manufacturers and are included with macOS installations.

IOPLIST File Structure

The IOPLIST file is a binary file format. It consists of a header followed by a series of records, each of which describes a single IO device. The header contains information about the file version and size, as well as the number of records in the file. Each record starts with a type field, which identifies the type of device being described. This is followed by a series of key-value pairs, which provide information about the device’s properties. The keys are typically descriptive strings, such as “name” or “location”, while the values are strings, numbers, or arrays.

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