INT File – What is .int file and how to open it?


INT File Extension

SGI Integer Image – file format by Silicon Graphics

INT is a file extension for SGI Integer Image, a raster image format developed by Silicon Graphics for storing grayscale images with 8 or 16 bits per pixel. It supports run-length encoding for compression and is commonly used in scientific visualization and image processing applications.

INT File Format

INT files are used to store 2D and 3D integer-valued images generated by Silicon Graphics workstations. They are commonly used in scientific visualization and medical imaging applications to represent grayscale or color images. INT files typically contain header information specifying the image dimensions, data type, and color map (for color images). The image data is stored in a binary format with each pixel represented by a single integer value.

INT File Structure

The INT file format consists of two main sections: the header and the image data. The header contains essential information about the image, including the image dimensions, data type (e.g., 8-bit unsigned integer, 16-bit signed integer), and color map (if applicable). The image data section contains the actual pixel values in a rasterized format. Pixels are typically stored in a row-major order, with each row followed by the next. INT files can also support multi-band images, where multiple channels of data (e.g., RGB color channels) are stored within the same file.

What is an INT file?

An INT file is an SGI Integer Image file, a raster image format used by Silicon Graphics workstations. It is an uncompressed format that stores pixel data as integers, with each pixel being represented by a 16-bit or 32-bit integer value. INT files are typically used for storing high-resolution images, such as those used in medical imaging and scientific visualizations.

How to Open INT file

There are several ways to open an INT file. One way is to use a dedicated image viewer that supports the INT format. Some popular image viewers that support INT files include GIMP, ImageMagick, and XnView. Another way to open an INT file is to use a text editor. However, this method is not recommended, as it can be difficult to interpret the pixel data in a text file.

SGI Integer Image Format

SGI Integer Image (INT) is a raster graphics file format created by Silicon Graphics for storing uncompressed integer-valued images. It is commonly used for scientific and medical imaging due to its ability to represent high-bit-depth data without loss of precision. INT files support a wide range of integer data types, including 8, 16, 32, and 64-bit signed and unsigned integers. This flexibility allows for precise representation of image data, such as pixel intensities or grayscale values, without the quantization errors associated with lower-bit-depth formats.

Technical Specifications

INT files have a simple header structure that specifies the image’s dimensions, data type, and other relevant information. The image data is stored consecutively, using either big-endian or little-endian byte ordering. INT files do not support color information, as they are intended for grayscale or single-channel images. They also do not support compression, making them suitable for applications where uncompressed image data is preferred. INT files are often used in conjunction with SGI’s ImageMagick suite of image processing tools, which provides support for reading, writing, and manipulating INT images.

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