ICR File – What is .icr file and how to open it?


ICR File Extension

Image Comparer Results File – file format by Bolide Software

ICR files store results of image comparison operations performed by Image Comparer application. They contain information about the images being compared, the differences found, and the overall outcome of the comparison.

File Type: ICR (Image Comparer Results File)

An ICR file is a proprietary file format used by the Image Comparer software, developed by Bolide Software. This file format stores the results of image comparison operations performed using the Image Comparer application. The ICR file contains detailed information about the image comparisons, including the input images, comparison criteria, and the resulting similarity scores. It serves as a record of the comparison process and allows users to easily review and analyze the results later.

Usage and Applications:

ICR files are primarily used within the Image Comparer software suite. They enable users to compile, organize, and retrieve image comparison results for further analysis. By saving and storing the ICR files, users can easily revisit and compare different sets of images or apply refined comparison parameters without the need to re-run the entire comparison process. Furthermore, ICR files can facilitate collaboration and sharing of image comparison results among different users or teams. They provide a convenient way to capture and document the comparison findings for use in presentations, reports, or other downstream applications.

What is an ICR File?

An ICR file (Image Comparer Results File) is a text file that stores the results of image comparison operations performed by Bolide Software’s Image Comparer. It contains a detailed record of pixel-by-pixel differences between two or more images, along with additional information such as the date and time of the comparison, the image file paths, and the comparison parameters used. ICR files serve as a valuable tool for quality assurance, visual inspection, and forensic analysis.

How to Open an ICR File

To open an ICR file, you will need to use an application that supports the file format. The following software programs can be used to open ICR files:

  • Bolide Image Comparer: The native application used to create and open ICR files. It provides advanced image comparison functionality and the ability to view and analyze the detailed results in the ICR file.
  • Notepad++: A popular text editor that can be used to view the contents of ICR files. However, it lacks the ability to interpret or analyze the comparison results.
  • Other Text Editors: Any text editor can be used to open ICR files, but they may not be able to display the results in a meaningful way.

ICR File Format

An ICR file is an Image Comparer Results File used by Bolide Software’s Image Comparer application. It stores the results of image comparisons performed by the software. An ICR file contains information about the images that were compared, the results of the comparison, and any additional notes or comments.

The ICR file format uses a structured data format that is designed to be easily read and processed by the Image Comparer application. The data in an ICR file is organized into sections, which define specific types of information. The sections in an ICR file include:

  • Header Section: Contains general information about the ICR file, such as the version of the file format and the date the file was created.
  • Image Section: Contains information about the images that were compared, such as the file names, sizes, and formats.
  • Comparison Section: Contains the results of the image comparisons, such as the similarity score and the number of differences found.
  • Notes Section: Contains any additional notes or comments about the comparison results.

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