HXC File – What is .hxc file and how to open it?


HXC File Extension

Microsoft Help 2 Collection Definition – file format by Microsoft

HXC is a Microsoft Help 2 Collection Definition file extension developed by Microsoft. It contains a collection of HTML files that are used to create a help file. HXC files are typically used to create help files for software applications.

HXC File Format

HXC files, or Microsoft Help 2 Collection Definition files, are XML-based files used to define the structure and content of CHM (Compiled HTML Help) files. CHM files are a legacy Microsoft help format that combines HTML pages, images, and other resources into a single compressed file. HXC files provide the blueprint for organizing and presenting the content within a CHM file.

HXC files contain information such as the table of contents, index, glossary, and other navigational elements. They define the hierarchical structure of the help content, including the topics, sections, and pages. Additionally, HXC files specify the appearance and behavior of the CHM file, such as the window size, navigation controls, and search functionality. By editing and modifying HXC files, developers can customize the look, feel, and organization of CHM help documentation.

What is an HXC file?

An HXC file (Microsoft Help 2 Collection Definition) is a file format used by the Microsoft Help 2 system to define a help file collection. A help file collection is a group of help files that are organized into a hierarchy of topics. The HXC file contains information about the topics in the collection, including their titles, summaries, and relationships to each other. The HXC file also contains information about the formatting of the help files, such as the font and color of the text and the layout of the pages.

How to open an HXC file

HXC files can be opened using the Microsoft Help 2 Viewer. The Help 2 Viewer is a free program that can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. Once the Help 2 Viewer is installed, you can double-click on an HXC file to open it. The Help 2 Viewer will display the help file collection that is defined by the HXC file.

You can also open HXC files using a text editor, such as Notepad or WordPad. However, this is not recommended, as the HXC file format is not human-readable. If you open an HXC file using a text editor, you will see a lot of gibberish.

HXC Definition and Purpose

The HXC file extension stands for Microsoft Help 2 Collection Definition. It is a file format used to store the configuration information for Microsoft Help 2 collections, which are sets of HTML-based help files. HXC files contain metadata about the collection, such as the collection’s title, version, and the names of the help files included in the collection. They also specify the table of contents structure, the search index, and other settings that control the appearance and functionality of the help collection.

HXC files are typically created using the Microsoft Help 2 Workshop tool. When a new help collection is created, the Help 2 Workshop generates an HXC file that contains the default configuration settings. Developers can then customize the HXC file to modify the appearance and functionality of the help collection. For example, they can add or remove help files, change the table of contents structure, or add custom search filters. Once the HXC file is complete, it is used by the Microsoft Help 2 Viewer to display the help collection to users.

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