GMMP File – What is .gmmp file and how to open it?


GMMP File Extension

WCS Gamut Map Model Profile – file format by Microsoft

GMMP is a file extension for WCS Gamut Map Model Profile, developed by Microsoft as part of the Windows Color System (WCS). It contains information that describes the color gamut of a display device. This information is used by color management applications to ensure that colors are displayed accurately on the device.

Definition and Purpose of a GMMP File

GMMP stands for WCS (Windows Color System) Gamut Map Model Profile. A GMMP file is a data file that contains a color gamut mapping model, which is used to convert colors between different color spaces. Color spaces are mathematical models that describe the range of colors that can be represented in a particular system.

For instance, the sRGB color space is commonly used for representing colors on computer monitors, while the Adobe RGB color space has a larger gamut and is used in professional photography. GMMP files are used to convert colors between these two color spaces, ensuring that colors are rendered accurately when viewed on different devices.

Creation and Use of GMMP Files

GMMP files are typically created using specialized software programs, such as Microsoft’s Image Color Management (ICM) tool. Once created, GMMP files can be stored in two formats: embedded or linked. Embedded GMMP files are stored within the image file itself, while linked GMMP files are stored as separate files and referenced by the image file.

To use a GMMP file, it must be associated with the image file. This association can be done using the ICC Profile Association tool in Windows. Once associated, the GMMP file will be used to convert the colors in the image to the desired color space. GMMP files are essential for ensuring accurate color reproduction across different devices and applications.

Opening GMMP Files with Microsoft Programs

To open GMMP files, you will need to use a program that is specifically designed to handle this file type. One such program is Microsoft Expression Media Encoder, a powerful multimedia encoder that is part of the Microsoft Expression Studio suite. With Expression Media Encoder, you can import GMMP files and convert them to a variety of other formats, including WMV, MP4, and AVI.

Another option for opening GMMP files is to use Microsoft Silverlight, a cross-platform plug-in that allows you to view multimedia content on the web. Silverlight supports the playback of GMMP files, so you can simply install the plugin and then open the file in your web browser.

Opening GMMP Files with Other Programs

In addition to Microsoft programs, there are also a number of third-party programs that can open GMMP files. One popular option is VideoLAN VLC media player, a free and open-source media player that can play a wide variety of file formats, including GMMP. Another option is FFmpeg, a command-line tool that can be used to convert GMMP files to other formats.

To open a GMMP file with VLC, simply launch the program and click on the “Open File” button. In the file browser that opens, navigate to the GMMP file you want to open and select it. VLC will then start playing the file.

To convert a GMMP file to another format using FFmpeg, open a command prompt and type the following command:

ffmpeg -i input.gmmp output.mp4

This command will convert the input GMMP file to an MP4 file. You can replace the “output.mp4” part of the command with any other supported format, such as “output.wmv” or “output.avi”.

GMMP File Structure

A GMMP file is a data file that stores the Gamut Mapping Matrix Profile (GMMP) data used by Windows Color System (WCS) to convert colors between different color spaces. The GMMP data is a binary file that consists of several sections:

  1. The header section contains file format information, such as the version, size, and color space of the source and destination color spaces.
  2. The palette section contains a set of colors used to create the gamut mapping matrix.
  3. The matrix section contains the gamut mapping matrix itself.

The gamut mapping matrix is a 3×3 matrix that transforms colors from the source color space to the destination color space. The matrix is derived from the palette colors using a linear regression.

GMMP Applications

GMMP files are used in a variety of applications, including:

  1. Color conversion: GMMP files are used to convert colors between different color spaces, such as sRGB and Adobe RGB.
  2. Gamut mapping: GMMP files are used to map colors from a source color space to a destination color space, ensuring that the colors are reproduced accurately in the destination color space.
  3. Color correction: GMMP files are used to correct color errors in images, such as cast or tint.

GMMP files are essential for managing and converting colors in a wide range of applications. They provide a simple and efficient way to ensure that colors are accurately reproduced in different color spaces and devices.

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