GITIGNORE File – What is .gitignore file and how to open it?


GITIGNORE File Extension

Git Ignore File – file format by Git

The .gitignore file, used in conjunction with Git, is a text file that specifies which files and directories should be ignored by Git. This helps keep the repository clean and organized by preventing unnecessary files from being tracked and versioned.

Overview of .GITIGNORE Files

A .gitignore file is a configuration file used in the Git version control system. It specifies patterns of files and directories that should be ignored by Git. This prevents them from being added to the staging area or committed to the repository. By excluding unnecessary files, .gitignore files help keep the repository organized, improve performance, and reduce the risk of committing sensitive information or binary data.

How to Use .GITIGNORE Files

.gitignore files are typically placed in the root directory of a Git repository. Each line in the file contains a pattern that matches the files or directories to be ignored. Patterns can be simple filenames, such as “.DSStore” or “thumbs.db,” or more complex patterns using wildcards, such as “*~” or “**/nodemodules.” Git interprets these patterns using the “fnmatch” syntax. Once a .gitignore file is in place, Git will automatically ignore any matching files or directories when performing operations such as “git add” or “git commit.”

Opening a .GITIGNORE File

A .GITIGNORE file is a special file used in Git, a popular version control system. It contains a set of patterns that instruct Git which files and directories to ignore when committing changes to the repository. This helps keep the repository clean and organized, ensuring that only relevant files are tracked and managed by Git.

To open a .GITIGNORE file, you can use any text editor, such as Notepad, TextEdit, or Sublime Text. You can also open it from within the Git command line interface by using the command “git config –edit –file=.gitignore”. Once the file is open, you can view and edit the ignore patterns.

The syntax of a .GITIGNORE file is simple. Each line in the file represents a pattern that matches files or directories to be ignored. Patterns can use wildcards (* and ?) to match multiple files or directories. For example, the following pattern would ignore all files with a “.bak” extension:


In addition to basic patterns, .GITIGNORE files can also use more advanced features, such as negative patterns (lines starting with “!”) and globbing (recursive directory matching). For more information on the syntax, refer to the official Git documentation on .gitignore files.

Definition and Purpose of .GITIGNORE Files

A .GITIGNORE file serves as an instruction manual for Git version control, informing it which files and directories should be excluded from tracking and version control. By excluding unnecessary or sensitive files, it keeps repositories lean and manageable, prevents accidental commits, and enhances privacy by omitting confidential information. For instance, a .GITIGNORE file might exclude temporary files, system-generated logs, or sensitive API keys.

Syntax and Usage of .GITIGNORE Files

The syntax of a .GITIGNORE file is straightforward. Each line specifies a pattern that matches files or directories to be ignored. Patterns use glob syntax, similar to wildcard characters in file paths. For example, “.log” matches all files ending in “.log”, while “/temp/” matches all files and directories within any subdirectory named “temp.” To exclude specific files, prepend their relative path with an exclamation mark (!), such as “!/important.txt”. A .GITIGNORE file is typically placed at the root of a Git repository, and its rules are applied recursively to all subdirectories.

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