GITATTRIBUTES File – What is .gitattributes file and how to open it?



Git Attributes File – file format by Git

GITATTRIBUTES is a file that stores custom attributes for Git and is used to specify how specific files or directories should be handled by the version control system. It enables customization of settings for line ending conversion, merge behavior, and other attributes.


A GITATTRIBUTES file is a text file that is placed in the root directory of a Git repository. It is used to configure custom attributes for files and directories within the repository. These attributes can control various aspects of file behavior, such as line endings, merge behavior, and diff highlighting. By creating a GITATTRIBUTES file, users can customize the way Git handles specific files and improve the overall collaboration and development workflow.

GITATTRIBUTES files are parsed by Git when it encounters a file or directory that matches one of the defined patterns. Each line in the file specifies a pattern followed by a key-value pair that assigns an attribute value to the matched files. For instance, the following line sets the eol (end-of-line) attribute to lf (line feed) for all files ending with .txt:

*.txt eol=lf

GITATTRIBUTES files provide fine-grained control over file behavior in Git repositories. They enable developers to set attributes such as text encoding, line endings, merge strategies, and whitespace handling. By tailoring the GITATTRIBUTES file, teams can ensure consistent formatting, prevent merge conflicts, and streamline code review processes. Furthermore, GITATTRIBUTES files can simplify the setup of project-specific configurations, such as defining language-specific diff highlighting rules or setting up custom merge tools for specific file types.


The .GITATTRIBUTES file is a plain text file that can be opened with any text editor, such as Notepad, TextEdit, or Sublime Text. It is located in the root directory of a Git repository and contains instructions for how to handle different types of files. For example, you can specify that certain files should be ignored by Git, or that they should be treated as binary files.


To use a .GITATTRIBUTES file, simply add it to the root directory of your Git repository. Git will automatically read the file and apply the instructions to the files in the repository. You can use the following syntax to add instructions to the file:

<file pattern> <attribute> <value>

For example, to specify that all .txt files should be ignored by Git, you would add the following line to the .GITATTRIBUTES file:

*.txt ignore

You can also use the .GITATTRIBUTES file to set attributes for specific files. For example, to specify that the file should be treated as a binary file, you would add the following line to the .GITATTRIBUTES file: binary

What is a .GITATTRIBUTES File?

A .GITATTRIBUTES file is a configuration file used in the Git version control system to define attributes for files and directories. It allows users to specify how specific files should be handled by Git, such as line endings, whitespace behavior, and merge behavior. These attributes can be set on a per-file or per-directory basis, providing fine-grained control over how Git interacts with different types of content.

Benefits and Use Cases

The .GITATTRIBUTES file offers several benefits and use cases. It enables users to:

  • Maintain consistent line endings: Define the desired line ending style (LF, CRLF, or CR) for different file types, ensuring uniformity across multiple platforms.
  • Control whitespace behavior: Specify whether trailing whitespace should be ignored, trimmed, or expanded when committing changes, promoting code readability and consistency.
  • Configure merge behavior: Set custom merge strategies for specific file types, preventing merge conflicts and ensuring seamless integration of changes.
  • Automate file attributes: Define attributes for common file types, eliminating the need to manually set them for each new file, saving time and effort.

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