GID File – What is .gid file and how to open it?


GID File Extension

Windows Help Global Index File – file format by Microsoft

GID is a Windows Help Global Index File developed by Microsoft. It is a binary file that contains an index of all the help files installed on a computer. It is used by the Windows Help system to quickly find and display help topics.

Definition and Purpose

A GID file, also known as a Windows Help Global Index File, is a data file utilized by Microsoft’s Help system, specifically in Windows operating systems. It contains a global index of keywords and topics for various help files, enabling users to efficiently search and retrieve information from multiple help sources. The GID file acts as a central hub, indexing the locations of specific help content within individual help files.

Structure and Functionality

GID files are text-based and follow a specific structure. They contain a hierarchical organization of keywords and topics, with each keyword or topic pointing to a corresponding section in a help file. The index is organized in a way that allows for rapid keyword lookup and retrieval of the associated help information. When a user searches for a keyword in the Help system, the GID file quickly identifies the relevant topic and directs the user to the corresponding help file section.

In addition to keywords, GID files also store information about help file versions and other metadata. This helps ensure that the index remains up-to-date and accurate as help files are updated or replaced. The GID file’s efficient structure and indexing capabilities significantly enhance the searchability and accessibility of help information within Windows operating systems.

Opening GID Files

GID files, or Windows Help Global Index Files, are binary index files used by the Windows Help application, formerly known as WinHelp. They contain references to help topics in various HTML Help (.chm) files and are necessary for quick access to help content. To open a GID file directly, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Locate the GID file on your computer. GID files are typically found in the “%ProgramFiles%\Windows Help\” directory.
  2. Right-click on the GID file and select “Open With.”
  3. Choose “Windows Help (WinHelp)” from the options or manually browse to the “winhlp32.exe” executable file located in the “C:\Windows\System32” directory.

Once the GID file is associated with WinHelp, it can be opened by double-clicking on the file or searching for help topics within the application.

Viewing GID File Contents

While GID files are not intended to be opened and viewed directly, it is possible to extract the text content using third-party tools. One such tool is the “GID Extract” application, which can be downloaded from various online sources. Using this tool, the contents of a GID file can be converted to a text file or XML format, making it accessible for inspection or further processing.

File Type and Purpose

The GID file extension is associated with Windows Help Global Index File, a proprietary file format used by Microsoft for creating and maintaining global indexes for Windows Help (WinHelp) systems. This file stores references to all the indexed topics and keywords within a WinHelp system, allowing for efficient and quick searching and retrieval of information from multiple help files. GID files play a crucial role in the functioning of WinHelp, enabling users to locate specific information seamlessly across different help documents.

Structure and Content

GID files are structured as binary files and utilize a compressed format to optimize storage. They contain two main sections: the header and the index data. The header includes information about the file format version, the number of indexed topics, and the total size of the index data. The index data consists of a sorted list of references to the indexed topics, including the topic identifiers, file paths, and relevant keywords. By indexing all the topics and keywords from multiple help files into a single GID file, WinHelp can quickly locate and retrieve the required information, reducing search time and enhancing the overall user experience.

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