GEOJSON File – What is .geojson file and how to open it?


GEOJSON File Extension

GeoJSON File – file format by GeoJSON

GEOJSON (GeoJSON File) is a geospatial data format developed by GeoJSON. It is used to represent geographic features as a collection of JSON objects. GeoJSON files can be used to store and exchange geospatial data between different software applications and services.


A GEOJSON file is a JSON-based open standard format for encoding geographical data. It was developed by a group of developers from Google, Esri, Mapbox, and other organizations as a simple way to represent geographical features in a JSON format. GEOJSON is a lightweight format that is easy to parse and can be used to represent a wide variety of geographical features, including points, lines, polygons, and multi-geometries.

GEOJSON files can be used to represent a variety of different geographical data, such as the boundaries of countries, states, or cities; the locations of roads, rivers, and mountains; and the distribution of land use types. GEOJSON files can also be used to represent 3D data, such as the elevation of terrain or the depth of water bodies. GEOJSON files are often used in web mapping applications, as they can be easily loaded and displayed in a web browser. They can also be used in GIS software applications, such as QGIS and ArcGIS, to create and edit geographical data.

Opening GeoJSON Files with Software Applications

To access the data contained within a GeoJSON file, you can utilize specialized software applications designed for handling geospatial data. These applications typically provide tools for visualizing, editing, and analyzing GeoJSON files, allowing you to explore and interpret the data effectively. Some popular software options include QGIS, ArcGIS,, and Mapbox Studio. Each application offers specific features and functionalities, so choosing the most suitable option depends on your individual needs and preferences.

Online Tools and Services

If you do not have access to specialized software, there are also several online tools and services that can be used to open and view GeoJSON files. These browser-based platforms offer a convenient way to explore and visualize the data without requiring any software installations. Some popular online tools include GeoJSONLint,, and Mapbox Studio. These services typically provide basic visualization capabilities, allowing you to view the GeoJSON data as interactive maps or overlays. Additionally, they may offer tools for editing and exporting the data to different formats.

GeoJSON File Format

GeoJSON (Geographic JSON) is a widely used open standard format for representing geospatial data in a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. It enables the efficient storage and transmission of geographic information, allowing for easy data sharing and visualization across different platforms. GeoJSON files have the extension “.geojson” and conform to the GeoJSON specification that defines the structure and properties of the data. This format is particularly useful for web mapping and GIS applications, as it facilitates the display and analysis of geographic features on digital maps.

Advantages of GeoJSON

GeoJSON offers several advantages over other geospatial formats. Its simplicity and adherence to the JSON format make it lightweight and easy to parse and process. This allows for faster data loading and manipulation, particularly in web-based environments. GeoJSON also provides a flexible and extensible structure, enabling the representation of various geographic features, including points, lines, polygons, and collections of these elements. Additionally, GeoJSON supports custom properties, allowing users to attach additional metadata or attributes to features, making it a versatile format for storing complex geospatial information.

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