FZP File – What is .fzp file and how to open it?


FZP File Extension

Fritzing XML Part Description – file format by Fritzing

FZP (Fritzing XML Part Description) is a file format developed by Fritzing, an open-source electronics design and prototyping tool. It’s an XML-based format used for describing electronic components and their properties, allowing users to create and share custom parts for use in Fritzing projects.

FZP File Format

A FZP file is an XML-based file format used to describe electronic components within the Fritzing software suite. It contains a comprehensive set of information about a component, including its schematic symbol, PCB footprint, and connection points. FZP files are used for defining custom components that are not included in the Fritzing standard library, allowing users to extend the software’s functionality and create designs that incorporate unique or specialized components. The format provides a structured and standardized way of representing component information, ensuring compatibility within the Fritzing ecosystem.

Role in Fritzing Software

Within the Fritzing software environment, FZP files play a crucial role in component management and design creation. They provide a central repository for component definitions, enabling users to easily access, reuse, and modify custom components within their designs. The XML structure of FZP files allows for easy parsing and manipulation by the Fritzing software, enabling seamless integration and editing of custom components. FZP files also facilitate the sharing and distribution of custom components, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing within the Fritzing community. Additionally, they enable the creation of parametric components that can be dynamically modified to fit specific design requirements.

What is an FZP File?

FZP files, also known as Fritzing XML Part Descriptions, are XML-based files that describe electronic components and their connections within the Fritzing software. Fritzing is an open-source electronics design automation (EDA) tool that simplifies the process of creating schematics and printed circuit board (PCB) layouts for electronic projects.

How to Open FZP Files

FZP files can be opened in Fritzing, a free and cross-platform software available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. To open an FZP file in Fritzing:

  • Step 1: Download and install Fritzing from the official website: https://fritzing.org/
  • Step 2: Launch Fritzing and click on the “File” menu.
  • Step 3: Select “Open…” from the drop-down menu.
  • Step 4: Navigate to the location of the FZP file and select it.
  • Step 5: Click “Open” to import the FZP file into Fritzing.
  • Step 6: The component described in the FZP file will appear in the Fritzing interface, where you can use it to create schematics and PCB layouts.

File Format

The FZP file extension represents a Fritzing XML Part Description, which is an XML-based file format used to describe electronic components in the Fritzing PCB design software. FZP files contain metadata about the component, such as its name, description, symbol, and footprint. They also include information about the component’s connections, such as the pin numbers and their corresponding signals. FZP files are essential for creating and sharing component libraries in Fritzing, as they allow users to easily add new components to their designs.


FZP files are primarily used in conjunction with Fritzing, an open-source software platform for electronic design automation (EDA). Fritzing provides a graphical interface for users to design and simulate electronic circuits, and FZP files enable users to create custom components or import existing components into their designs. By using FZP files, users can leverage a vast collection of existing components or create their own, facilitating efficient and accurate circuit designs. FZP files can also be shared between users, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing in the field of electronics design.

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