FXC File – What is .fxc file and how to open it?


FXC File Extension

FilePackager Configuration – file format by DIMDATA

FXC (FilePackager Configuration) is a configuration file extension used by DIMDATA’s FilePackager software. It contains configuration settings for the software, such as the location of source and destination files, and the compression and encryption options to be used.

FXC File Format

A FilePackager Configuration (FXC) file is a text-based file that contains instructions for creating a FilePackager package. FilePackager is a tool used to compress and encrypt files, making it easy to distribute them over the internet or on a physical medium. The FXC file specifies the files to be included in the package, the compression method to be used, and the encryption settings.

Creation and Use of FXC Files

FXC files are created using the FilePackager utility. The user can specify various options when creating an FXC file, such as the compression level, the encryption algorithm, and the password to be used for encryption. The FXC file can then be used to create a FilePackager package by running the FilePackager command line tool with the FXC file as an argument. The resulting package will contain the specified files in a compressed and encrypted format.

FXC File Association and Opening Methods

FXC files are Configuration files created by the FilePackager software developed by DIMDATA. They contain settings and instructions used by FilePackager to package and deploy files. To open an FXC file, users require the FilePackager software installed on their system. FilePackager is a commercial software, and users can download trial or purchase the full version from the DIMDATA website.

Once FilePackager is installed, users can double-click on an FXC file to open it. FilePackager will automatically open and load the configuration settings contained in the file. Alternatively, users can manually open FXC files within FilePackager by selecting “Open” from the File menu and browsing to the desired FXC file. The FilePackager software will recognize and parse the file, displaying its contents within the user interface. Users can then modify the configuration settings, save changes, and use the FXC file to package and deploy files as needed.

File Structure and Creation

FXC files are configuration files used by FilePackager, a software tool provided by DIMDATA for automating the secure transfer of large files. These files mainly contain instructions and settings related to the packaging and transfer process. The structure of an FXC file includes various parameters, such as file source and destination, encryption options, transfer protocols, and post-processing actions. Typically, FXC files are created within FilePackager’s graphical user interface, where users can configure the desired settings and save them as an FXC file for later reuse.

Usage and Compatibility

FXC files play a crucial role in automating and standardizing file packaging and transfer processes. By defining the necessary configurations in a single file, users can efficiently execute recurrent transfer tasks without manually reentering the settings each time. The use of FXC files enhances consistency and accuracy in file transfers, especially when dealing with high volumes of data. Moreover, FXC files contribute to improved security by allowing users to specify encryption options and ensure the secure transmission of sensitive information. The FilePackager Configuration (FXC) file format is primarily associated with FilePackager, a proprietary software from DIMDATA. As such, FXC files are directly compatible with various versions of FilePackager, enabling users to seamlessly transfer and manage large files within their organization.

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