FUL File – What is .ful file and how to open it?


FUL File Extension

Microsoft Backup File List – file format by Microsoft

FUL is a Microsoft Backup File List file extension that stores a list of files and their attributes backed up with Microsoft Backup. It allows for the selective restoration of files from a backup set.

What is a FUL File?

A FUL file, or Microsoft Backup File List, is a type of text file that contains a list of files that have been backed up using the Microsoft Backup utility. FUL files are typically created automatically when a backup is performed, and they can be used to restore individual files or entire backups.

FUL files contain information such as the name of the file, the size of the file, the date and time the file was backed up, and the location of the file on the backup media. FUL files can also contain information about the type of backup that was performed, such as a full backup or an incremental backup.

How to Use FUL Files

FUL files can be used to restore individual files or entire backups using the Microsoft Backup utility. To restore a file from a FUL file, open the FUL file in the Microsoft Backup utility and select the file you want to restore. Then, click the “Restore” button to restore the file to its original location.

To restore an entire backup from a FUL file, open the FUL file in the Microsoft Backup utility and select the backup you want to restore. Then, click the “Restore” button to restore the backup to its original location.

What is a .FUL File?

A .FUL file is a Microsoft Backup File List that contains a list of files and directories that have been backed up using the Microsoft Backup utility. The .FUL file is used to keep track of the files that have been backed up, so that they can be restored later if necessary. .FUL files are typically stored in the same folder as the backed-up files.

How to Open a .FUL File

There are actually two ways to open a .FUL file, depending on what you want do with it. First, if you want to view the file, you can open it with any text editor such as Notepad or WordPad. But, if you want to restore backed up files, you can open the .FUL file in Microsoft Backup using the following steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Backup and click the Restore tab.
  2. Click the Browse button and select the .FUL file.
  3. Click the Start Restore button, and select the files you want to restore.
  4. Click the Restore button.

FUL File Structure and Contents

FUL files are metadata files generated by Microsoft Backup, an application that allows users to create and manage backups of their computer data. FUL files contain the file list of the backup, which includes the file names, sizes, and timestamps of the files included in the backup. Additionally, FUL files may also contain information about the backup configuration, such as the compression and encryption settings used.

Use and Applications

FUL files are primarily used to restore data from a backup created by Microsoft Backup. When a user restores a backup, the FUL file provides the necessary information to identify and extract the files that were included in the backup. FUL files can also be used to verify the integrity of a backup by comparing the file list in the FUL file to the actual files in the backup.

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