FTPQUOTA File – What is .ftpquota file and how to open it?


FTPQUOTA File Extension

Ftpquota File – file format by ProFTPD

FTPQUOTA is a file extension associated with ProFTPD, an FTP server software. It contains user quotas and limits configured for the FTP server, allowing administrators to set storage space, bandwidth, and connection limits for individual users.

FTPQUOTA File: Definition and Purpose

An FTPQUOTA file is a text-based configuration file used by the ProFTPD FTP server. It contains a list of users and their respective file and disk space quotas. Quotas are limits imposed on the amount of data that users can store on the FTP server. By enforcing quotas, administrators can manage disk usage and prevent users from consuming excessive resources.

FTPQUOTA File Structure and Syntax

The FTPQUOTA file follows a simple syntax that consists of one line per user. Each line contains the following information:

  • Username: The name of the user whose quota is being specified.
  • Bytes: The maximum number of bytes (files) that the user can store on the server.
  • Inodes: The maximum number of files and directories that the user can create on the server.
  • Comments (Optional): Additional information or notes regarding the quota setting.

The bytes and inodes fields can be specified as absolute values or as percentages of the available disk space. Administrators can also set a grace period during which users can exceed their quotas before being disconnected or denied access to the server.

Using FTP Client Software

FTPQUOTA files are text files that contain the quota settings for users of an FTP server running ProFTPD. To open an FTPQUOTA file, you can use any text editor, such as Notepad, TextEdit, or Sublime Text. However, it is recommended to use an FTP client software that has built-in support for opening and editing FTPQUOTA files. This will provide you with a more convenient and user-friendly experience.

Some popular FTP client software that support opening and editing FTPQUOTA files include FileZilla, Cyberduck, and WinSCP. These software programs allow you to connect to your FTP server, navigate to the directory where the FTPQUOTA file is located, and open the file for editing. Once you have opened the FTPQUOTA file, you can view and modify the quota settings for each user.

Editing FTPQUOTA File

When editing an FTPQUOTA file, it is important to be careful not to make any mistakes. Any errors in the syntax of the file can cause the FTP server to malfunction. Therefore, it is recommended to make a backup copy of the original FTPQUOTA file before making any changes.

The FTPQUOTA file is a simple text file that contains a list of user quotas. Each line in the file represents a single user quota. The format of each line is as follows:


For example, the following line represents a quota for the user “john”:


This line indicates that the user “john” has a quota of 1000 files and 500 megabytes of disk space. You can edit the quota settings for a user by changing the values on the corresponding line in the FTPQUOTA file.

FTPQUOTA File: Overview and Purpose

A FTPQUOTA file, denoted by the file extension “.FTPQUOTA,” is a crucial component of ProFTPD, a widely used FTP server software. It serves as a configuration file that controls and manages user disk space quotas, ensuring that file transfers and storage are carried out efficiently and in accordance with predefined limits. By setting specific quotas, system administrators can prevent disk space from being monopolized by individual users, maintaining optimal system performance and resource availability.

Structure and Content of FTPQUOTA File

The FTPQUOTA file is structured in a straightforward manner, with each line representing a user and their corresponding disk space quota. Lines are typically formatted as follows:


Here, “username” denotes the username of the user being assigned a quota, and “quotavalue” represents the maximum amount of disk space they are permitted to use. Disk space quotas can be expressed in various units, such as bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. Additionally, the FTPQUOTA file may include comments to provide additional context or guidance.

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