FOUNTAIN File – What is .fountain file and how to open it?


FOUNTAIN File Extension

Fountain Script File – file format by N/A

FOUNTAIN is a file extension for Fountain Script Files, a plain text file format used for screenwriting. It includes metadata such as character names, dialogue, and scene headings, making it easier for screenwriters to collaborate and exchange scripts.

FOUNTAIN File Format

A Fountain file is a plaintext file that uses a specific markup language to describe the structure and content of a screenplay. It was created by John August, a screenwriter and software developer, as an open and accessible format for writing and sharing screenplays. The FOUNTAIN format is designed to be human-readable and easy to parse, making it a popular choice for screenwriters and filmmakers.

FOUNTAIN files use a hierarchical structure to organize the screenplay’s elements, including scenes, dialogue, action, and character descriptions. Each element is marked up using specific syntax, allowing software and applications to interpret and display the screenplay in a consistent and standardized format. The FOUNTAIN markup language also includes support for metadata, formatting options, and other features that enhance the screenplay writing process.

Opening Fountain Files Using Software

To open a Fountain file, you will need a dedicated software program that supports the Fountain format. Several free and paid options are available, such as:

  • Fountain (Mac, Windows, Linux): A dedicated Fountain editor that provides syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and other features tailored for screenwriting.
  • Fade In (Windows, Mac): A professional screenwriting software that supports Fountain import.
  • Final Draft (Windows, Mac): An industry-standard screenwriting software with Fountain compatibility.

Tips for Opening Fountain Files

When opening a Fountain file, consider the following tips:

  • Ensure Compatibility: Make sure the software you are using supports the Fountain format. Most modern screenwriting software includes Fountain compatibility.
  • Edit Carefully: Fountain is a plain text format, so any changes made directly to the file may alter the formatting or syntax. It is recommended to use a dedicated Fountain editor or screenwriting software to avoid errors.
  • Shareability: Fountain files are text-based and can be easily shared with collaborators or transferred between different platforms. They provide a standardized way to exchange screenplays regardless of software preferences.

FOUNTAIN File Format

A FOUNTAIN file is a formatted text file that uses the Fountain syntax, a human-readable format for writing screenplays. The syntax is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, making it a popular choice for screenwriters. FOUNTAIN files contain all the elements of a screenplay, including scene headings, dialogue, speaker names, parenthetical notes, and scene transitions.

FOUNTAIN files are saved with the file extension .fountain and can be opened in a variety of text editors or dedicated screenwriting software. They are often used as a way to draft and edit a screenplay before it is formatted into a more traditional script format, such as PDF or Final Draft. FOUNTAIN files can also be used to collaborate with other screenwriters, as they are compatible with a variety of screenwriting software programs.

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