FMPSL File – What is .fmpsl file and how to open it?


FMPSL File Extension

FileMaker Pro 12 Snapshot Link – file format by FileMaker

FMPSL is a file extension used by FileMaker Pro 12 Snapshot Link files. It contains a link to a FileMaker Pro file that has been snapshotted, or saved in a read-only format. FMPSL files can be used to share FileMaker Pro files with users who do not have the software installed.

FMPSL File Structure and Usage

FMPSL (FileMaker Pro 12 Snapshot Link) files are proprietary data files created by FileMaker Pro 12, a database management system. These files contain snapshots of FileMaker databases, including their structure, data, and relationships. FMPSL files are used to share database information with other users who may not have access to the original database. They serve as a lightweight and portable way to distribute select data from a database, without the need to export or create copies of the entire database.

Opening and Editing FMPSL Files

FMPSL files can be opened and edited using FileMaker Pro 12 or later versions. When opened, the snapshot data is displayed in a dedicated FileMaker window, allowing users to view and interact with the information. Users can sort, filter, and search the data, but they are unable to edit or modify the snapshot. This ensures that the original database remains unchanged and prevents any accidental data loss or corruption.

Opening FMPSL Files on Windows

To open FMPSL files on Windows, you will need to have FileMaker Pro 12 or later installed. Once you have FileMaker Pro installed, you can simply double-click on the FMPSL file to open it. If FileMaker Pro is not installed, you will be prompted to install it when you try to open the file.

Opening FMPSL Files on Mac

To open FMPSL files on Mac, you will need to have FileMaker Pro 12 or later installed. Once you have FileMaker Pro installed, you can simply double-click on the FMPSL file to open it. If FileMaker Pro is not installed, you will be prompted to install it when you try to open the file.

Additional Information

FMPSL files are snapshot links that point to a specific record in a FileMaker Pro database. When you open an FMPSL file, FileMaker Pro will open the database and navigate to the specified record. FMPSL files are often used to create links to specific records in a database that can be shared with other users.

FMPSL File Format

FMPSL (FileMaker Pro 12 Snapshot Link) files are created by FileMaker Pro, a cross-platform database management application. FMPSL files store a link to a FileMaker database file (.FMP12) and a snapshot of the database’s data at a specific point in time. This allows users to view and share database data without opening the original database file. FMPSL files are typically used for sharing data with users who do not have FileMaker Pro installed.

Key Features of FMPSL Files

FMPSL files offer several key features:

  • Portability: FMPSL files can be easily shared and opened on any device with a web browser.
  • Snapshot view: FMPSL files provide a snapshot of the database data as of the time it was created, allowing users to view the data without affecting the original database.
  • Security: FMPSL files can be password-protected to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • Accessibility: FMPSL files can be accessed via a web browser or the FileMaker Go mobile app, making them accessible to users on various devices.

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